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Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Cities Look to Public Restrooms to Clean up Downtowns, Attract Tourists

DENVER — Here on Tremont Place, there’s a beacon of relief for lunching office workers, tourists shuttling along a nearby pedestrian mall, and the city’s growing homeless population.

It’s a public bathroom, and until last spring it wasn’t easy to find one in this part of downtown Denver.

Encased in a trailer that moves around the city, the three-stall bathroom offers the amenities of any brick-and-mortar facility — lights, running water and flushing toilets. An attendant cleans up between users, does minor repairs, and polices for illicit activity.

“We’re encouraging people to walk and bike and use transit and it just makes sense then to offer a public restroom as well in these places where people are gathering,” said Angela Casias, legislative services manager for the Denver Department of Public Works. “[We’re] trying to have a positive impact on all kinds of people.”



  1. There you go Mayor Day......

  2. What a wonderful useful executed idea.

  3. these resort areas could learn a thing or two regarding public restrooms.

  4. And jobs are created!


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