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Wednesday, September 06, 2017

B-24 Liberator Willow Run Assembly Plant

The long hanger at Willow Run, Michigan has a 90 degree turn in it so Henry Ford would not have to pay taxes in the next county. That short end is being saved and restored today as a museum. The big hanger doors are still operational after all these years. This is one of the best and most informative clips about a great American accomplishment, thanks to the Ford Motor Company during WWII. A Ford Airplane! AMAZING! Production began here 6 months BEFORE Pearl Harbor! Henry Ford was determined that he could mass produce bombers just as he had with cars, so he built the Willow Run assembly plant and proved it. This was the world's largest building under one roof at the time. This film will absolutely blow you away -- one B-24 every 55 minutes! -- and Ford had its own pilots to test them. And no recalls! ADOLF HITLER HAD NO IDEA THE U.S. WAS CAPABLE OF THIS KIND OF THING.


  1. Thanks for posting this video!
    My father was a nose gunner on a B24 stationed in Italy
    He made it back home!

  2. Six-months before WWII? Just goes to show you that someone knew that war was coming.

  3. Proves GOD and Jesus are on OUR side !!!
    Ford deserves a Medal and America's Thank You's !!!!

  4. wow I never knew that. I'm not even sure I knew Ford built airplanes, to begin with. And Rebel, I had similar thoughts like yours.

    Wasn't Ford in league with Germany before, and after the war? American steel being used for the railways to the extermination camps etc.

    But still, a bomber made in under an hour consistently? Amazing.

  5. The B-24 Liberator was designed by Consolidated Aircraft. Slightly over 8000 of the 19000 built were produced under contract By Ford. The Stout Metal Airplane Division of the Ford Motor Company closed in 1936 but was reopened only for the production of B-24s (1941).

    The only operational "Ford Airplane" was the Tri-Motor.

  6. Question is ...What would happen today ie if we have to
    fight NK or others in world ??
    Can we Ramp Up fast enough with all the Govt Idiots today ??

  7. 12:22 Prob Not , since Obama has CUT Defense so much over
    his 8 years in WH !! We are Way Behind where we should be

  8. Just like in WW2 Our Govt trying to stay out of world
    events ..... until they finally come HERE to get us !!

    NK HAS to be Taken out / like it or not or they will take
    Us or our Allies out first !!!! Wake UP America !!!

    Too bad for SK , they better start leaving soon , Truman
    Owns it ALL when he Fired General Mcarthur in 1950's !!!
    Now , Nobody can Save them since NK will inialate them !!!

  9. Crazy Regimes cannot be Allowed to have NUKES or WW3 is here

  10. May I suggest this film:




  11. HAVE TO:

    Take out NK 2017
    Take out Iran 2017 Or the World will be Sorry !!!!

    Start Ramping UP !!!!

  12. Hydrogen Bombs were once Outlawed in the world ....they
    are so terrible
    Now NK has one (or more) and will surely sell some abroad !!!

    Now there are 3 stage ones (even worse) or 4 stage ones !!!
    All on Wikipedia Folks !!!


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