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Sunday, September 03, 2017


Steel Services provides a wide range of products and services. Products include aluminum, stainless, carbon, and alloy steel. Processing capabilities include plasma/oxyfuel cutting, shearing, sawing, punching, and splitting. The employees of Steel Services are committed to providing customers with quality products and services that consistently meet or exceed expectations.

Steel Services is/was located on Boundary Street in Salisbury. They originally started in Berlin but relocated to Salisbury some 15+ years ago. They have additional locations in Norfolk, Richmond and Roanoke Virginia, so Salisbury was a vital location for the Eastern Shore.

Our source informed me today that Mayor Jake Day never intervened/negotiated to do what they could to keep this business in Salisbury. ALL employees will be let go with no opportunity to relocate to any of their other locations.

The reason I am told they are closing their doors are based on local taxes, labor laws and regulations. Unfortunately this is yet another manufacturing facility to leave Salisbury, Maryland. You've not heard one word on this in the media and especially from the Mayor because, (once again) it's negative information that looks bad on City leadership. 

I asked what the outlook is for these former employees and I was told there's just nothing out there, job wise. Well, there you go WBOC, WMDT & the Daily Times, let's see if they'll cover this story. I doubt it because they make too much advertising revenue from the City.


  1. Just like everyone else they will cover this area with minimal deliveries during the week from across the bridge. Guessing Sherwood will take over that area to expand if Carmax doesn't kill them first.

    Very sad day for Salisbury. With these businesses closing they will go after us taxpayers as we have seen to make up the difference.

    If it isn't downtown Jake doesn't care.

  2. Jake? Jakie? Little boy Mare with big toothy smile...why weren't you there for a picture? It was 'Happening!'

  3. Mayor Day is out of his league; unable to negotiate anything.

  4. How many jobs were lost?

  5. Another big vacant property to be sucked by gillis gilkerson for pennies!!

    1. Or turned into a welfare building.

  6. This started with Marty O'Moron - many years ago!
    I don't think Fake Day could have done anything to intervene as the issues are not all local! He is waay out of his league regardless though!

  7. this is really really sad.... this company was a good company to work for, with excellent benefits, the company is / was owned by family out of Richmond and has been run by at at least 3 generations..... Perdue, was one of their main customers on the shore....... I think someone needs to talk to the owners and find out why they are closing and what can be done to keep them on the shore.... having steel delivered from across the bay is not always convenient.... sometimes trucks can't cross due to wind advisory....

    1. To late for that. The place is shuttered, all employees have been released. The owners are headed back to Richmond.

  8. 11:15, I'm sorry but there is no excuse for this. Day can't point a finger at O'Malley. A decent Mayor would spend one day a week going around to each and every business in their City, introduce them self and get a feel for the pulse of what each business is experiencing. You have to listen, like it or not. Jake Day has no business experience. The youth today simply feels they can tax, tax, tax, regulate and create laws forcing businesses to cover the costs of all their feel good lipstick on a pig ideas. Look, I've said it a million times, "it was your election to lose".

  9. 11:28, It's too late. They are closing their doors today. When you elect people who have no business experience to run a $30 million a year business, well, this is what you get. The ONLY people the Boy Mayor talks to, (business wise) are the good ol boy businesses actually running the City. Jake couldn't care less about this company or ANY of their former employees.

  10. What steps has Mayor Day taken to attempt to keep this valuable business in Salisbury?

  11. That's ashame I used to get a lot of metal from them

  12. 11:53, Did you not read the article? Jake Day did NOTHING. The doors are closing TODAY. There's been NOTHING in the media about this.

    If Day had been on the ball he would've been able to salvage this business remaining here. Day could've contacted the Governor and County Executive to see what they could do to keep the business open and employees employed.

    Jake Day doesn't know jack sh!t about business. Nor did Ireton. Can you say Labinol? It was Ireton and Babs who got Labinol MILLIONS of dollars to remain here and within months after receiving the money they bolted to Texas.

    Either Salisbury voters are just plain stupid OR your elections are rigged. Take your pick.

    1. Like Day or not it's not his job to keep a business coming or going...the shore on a whole over DECADES has done nothing to bring companies or keep companies on the shore...long before the current and last mayors....the shore is dying...and will continue....to point fingers at just two people is ridiculous and telling of the lack of thought....just call me a come here...and left here never to return...there is nothing to return for....the ignorance shown to outsiders didn't go unnoticed by me and I'm sure many others...too much ignorance on the shore...

  13. All Day cares about is free shi/ from the gov he learned well from Jane Ireton.

  14. 12:34, WOW! I'd say you are one American that no longer belongs in the United States.

    What have ALL politicians run on over the past 30 years, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! That is their #1 goal in their platforms.

    That doesn't just mean bringing jobs here. It means retaining what you have. Jake is the MAYOR of Salisbury and had NO CLUE this business was closing their doors today. The man is clueless. This company, (honest to God) has been saying they might close their doors for well over a year now.

    This all started back in the Mike Dunn days, when they started pounding regulations and fees on local businesses. Any decent Mayor would've followed in Culver's shoes and started eliminating these regulations and fees.

    Just remember people, Salisbury is now 80% rentals. Jake just raised taxes on these landlords in the City. They will revolt. The City will implode, you can count on that.

    If only you people knew ALL of the things I happen to know referencing what Jake Day is about to pull. If you think things are bad now, wait till you see what's to come. Businesses and residents will be bolting out of here like you've never seen before and one thing I can assure you of is this, your taxes will be going through the roof. Yes Jake, I know about ALL of the things you are up to, departments you are about to create AND the cost it will take for you to once again restructure Salisbury. You have to be one of the biggest fools I have ever seen and yes, I also know what you are about to do with the Fire Department and why you refuse to talk to anyone or return calls or email.

    Let me just say this. County Executive Bob Culver needs to immediately divorce the County from ANY and ALL partnerships the County has with the City and that includes throwing the City out of the GOB for lack of paying almost every bill they are responsible for.

    1. So if you know all this why not put it out to the public before it happens and there is no stopping it..? to know information then to keep it hidden is aiding the
      Mayor in his plans and makes you just as criminal

    2. So if you know all this why not put it out to the public before it happens and there is no stopping it..? to know information then to keep it hidden is aiding the
      Mayor in his plans and makes you just as criminal

  15. Businesses are jumping ship, the job market is non-existent but Salisbury's city admins are too busy organizing happy hour Cornhole games downtown to notice. I would have been depressed by this news, but then I found a rock that was painted by some rich, stay at home mom and I feel all better now. Hey, at least we still have a folk festival to look forward too!!

  16. 1:49 I thought the rocks were left around town to be used as self defense weapons.....

  17. Jake, your family should be embarrassed with your LACK OF ACTION on EVERYTHING!

  18. 12:34 PM

    Thank you very much for leaving and I hope you make good on your promise never to return. There certainly is ignorance on this shore, as there is in most places. Even YOU have not escaped its grasp, evidenced by your IGNORANT comment.

    May you enjoy your new home while you bring up their ignorance level by a factor of one. (at least)

    The jobs of any elected official and there are many, is to protect and serve the ones who elected them. That would include attracting new businesses and ensuring the ones that are there to remain.

    One cannot keep counting on a tax base to make up for their short comings especially when there are no income producing jobs for which one can extract taxes from.

    To make it simple for you and others, people need jobs to pay taxes among other things.

  19. City Mayor can now help businesses located in the county and not
    in the City ?

  20. 4:42pm look at the city map, portions of Boundary St are in city limits. It can be confusing the way the lines zig zag.

  21. If ANYONE can help get and keep good jobs in this area, who cares which side of an imaginary line it is on? (besides the pols who want to claim credit that is)

    SOMEONE needs to step up and do it. You had a chance to get a REAL business man in office to do just that and poof, there went your chances.

    A select few are getting rich(er) in that area it seems. At who's expense? Word has gotten out about that town and area in general. It doesn't look good for you in the foreseeable future.

    And now another company has bit the dust. Just how many people can the chicken industry employ?


  22. The Woodchuck has been noticeably out of the public eye recently. Mixed emotions on that, but raises the question of what he's been up to.

  23. 1:49 wins the internet for the week. Hit the nail right on the head!

  24. They have not been selling any retail there for over two weeks went to buy$2,000 worth of steel tubing for a job and saw the sign written on a piece of cardboard not retail sales. Had to go to Billy Warren's in Delaware to buy what I needed what ashame they closed I guess Delaware is going to get my business from now on

  25. WMDT did a phone interview that was declined by the president of the company. The only answers he gave were fluff and only one of those remaining employees has found a job the rest are unemployed.

  26. The Mayor will make sure a giant orange for lease sign get put out front.

  27. Wow. Sad. I used too stack up my old aluminum, steel and take it there when my kids graduated to get extra change to avoid others making money off my trash. What's one to do now. Im sure they ll find a way to capitalize off citizens around here.

  28. 8:43 Not the same place. You are thinking of Salisbury scrap metal.

  29. Salisbury scrap metal still there.

  30. I thought their business model left a little to be desired. I am sure regulars had no issues. Was difficult look at inventory for someone off the street. For DIYers it was not easy.

  31. 9/3, 9:47, Remember, it's not Joe's job to go around and check on the health of businesses in the City.

    It WOULD HAVE been if he had gotten the Mayor's job, but IT WAS YOUR ELECTION TO LOSE, as I've heard.

  32. I have commented over and over again how Roanoke Virginia could be a model for Salisbury. Once again I'm proven right. Better yet take a look at Franklin Virginia. A town much smaller than Salisbury. It's where Crown Cork and Seal ended up after pulling out of Salisbury. It's time for our local leaders.....YES THAT MEANS YOU JAKE BOY..... to get your heads our of your a$$ and quit trying to play tiddlywinks. Opps.....boy mayor isn't old enough to know what Tiddlywinks is. In baseball when a great pitcher faces a not so good batter is called overmatched. Ring a bell Jakie....

  33. 1:45 What an ignorant assumption to make about the "happiness rock" project. I'm a middle aged stay at home mother but we are not rich and probably never will.
    I agree that the City is being run by a pack of dipshits and douchebags but leave us rock people out of that equation, please

  34. Another example of how local leaders are too busy playing politics and not paying attention to the matters at hand. They are all responsible for this including the delegates and senators. They all should have been railing to keep this company here but instead watched it close without even raising one hand to help where the juvenile mayor dropped the ball. Everyone is responsible and now we have more unemployed workers in the area competing for jobs in the non-existent Salisbury job market. Way to go, kids.


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