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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Boomers Are Turning 71 - These 4 Charts Paint A Perfect Storm It Will Set Off For Investors

Few investors understand the magnitude of the looming demographic crisis and its ramifications.

The first Baby Boomers turned 70 last year. At the same time, the US fertility rate is at its lowest point since records began in 1909.

This disastrous combination means by 2030, those aged 65 and older will make up over 20% of the population.

Source: Mauldin Economics

In the meantime, the percentage of working-age cohorts are in decline. Combined together, these trends create a perfect demographic storm for the US economy.



  1. Invest heavily in Depends.

  2. I'm pro-life to the core...I have worked 'against' the abortion industry for well over 40 years. Since abortion was made 'legal', I have been warning my realm of influence and testified in Annapolis and Capitol Hill the dire end game of this scourge...

    It's only takes critical thinking and common sense to see abortion will ultimately 'wipe out' our tax base. Well, this is exactly what has happened. For some reason, most didn't seem to get it. Now we must 'suffer' the consequences of the dastardly choice.

    Mine was a moral choice, but I also saw, early on, what this would do to a nation economically and spiritually. So sad to see what was written on the wall so many years ago.

  3. Abortion is eugenics.
    Plain and simple.

  4. That thinking and analysis is an example of Ceteras Paribus, as in all other things remain equal and do not change. But we all know that will not be true, as change is inevitable. There are many factors that will affect the proposed outcome that we cannot be aware of at this time. No one, I mean NO ONE, has a crystal ball.


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