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Saturday, September 02, 2017

Authorities teaming up this weekend to stop any illegal ATV, dirt bike riders

WASHINGTON — Two area law enforcement agencies are teaming up and dedicating manpower to go after illegal ATV and dirt bike riders over the long Labor Day weekend.

The countywide crackdown involves more than 50 Prince George’s County police officers and 25 Maryland State Police troopers, and will run from Saturday morning through Monday.

Lawbreakers will be cited — and if necessary, their vehicles will be confiscated.

“We’ll also have our aircraft, along with Maryland State Police aircraft, available to assist when and if needed. We’ll also have officers doing surveillance,” Prince George’s County police Cpl. Tyler Hunter told WTOP.

People who illegally ride ATVs and unlicensed dirt bikes on roads and highways have been a problem throughout the region in recent years.

“We will not tolerate this sort of dangerous and reckless behavior,” Hunter said.

Prince George’s County officers recently received a type of tire-deflation device that they didn’t have before.



  1. Come to DaBury and ride for free SPD to busy kissing thug A..

    1. and free Pizza too.........................hug a thug Pizza

  2. Dumb, Dumb Announcement, If I was a Dirt Biker I'd just stay home this w/e.................Nothing like letting every one know your plans

  3. They may not tolerate it, but neither can they control it. Good luck to them, though!

  4. I'm retired from the job and been a biker for years. Don't have noting to do but drink beer and enjoy life at it's fullest. If LEO's want assistance put out contact information and I along with many would volunteer for this assignment.

  5. Went to website for stop stick company mentioned in article. Nothing on there about being effective or used on ATV/dirtbikes.

  6. I know riding on the streets is not smart but there are no places for these kids to ride. Kids really have nothing to do anymore. I would rather my kid ride a dirt bike around town then to be selling or using drugs.

    1. There too cheap to pay to ride the adult gocarts in OC.

  7. Don't buy or steal dirtbikes if you don't have anywhere to ride them. Very simple concept. You don't have a right to be provided land to rife on. Same goes for a horse or pony, no place to keep or ride then don't buy one.

  8. 1:18
    If you don't have a place to ride do NOT buy one. There is plenty of things in that area for them to do. Making excuses is not the solution. If they have money enough to buy a bike maybe they should all pool together and buy some land so they can ride. They don't care about themselves or the people around them. They aren't out just for a joy ride they are out there wreaking havoc.
    How about they come to your house and let them ride in your backyard.

    1. They are no more of a problem then these stupid rednecks with these loud trucks the blow black smoke all over.

    2. Yeah but there on the road LEGALLY.FOOL.

  9. Rolling coal lives matter!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They are no more of a problem then these stupid rednecks with these loud trucks the blow black smoke all over.

    September 2, 2017 at 2:13 PM

    I don't like those trucks either. And I bet people with breathing issues hate them. But do they care?

  11. The rednecks blowing smoke pay their way. Tax, taxes, title etc. These people have no right or cause to be on the road. Excuses are why they turned out the way they roll.

  12. There is nothing legal about blowing black smoke out of a vehicle's exhaust on a highway. Paying for tags, license, insurance, whatever, gives no one a right to pollute the air and endanger the health of the public.

    If you think otherwise, go do it around state police.

  13. Comes down to it, the Black dirt bike gang is DARING you to stop them, they are laughing at you and using racism and they are entitled to do ANYTHING they want now.

    Face it, take away being afraid of the law, and you have created a group of Super Thugs. WE have spoiled this group of people to the point they think they can do whatever they want. If you try to stop them - your a racist.

    White man is allowed, but black man cant is all you hear. You cannot talk common sense to someone who has none.

  14. Nobody seems to mind the black smoke rolling out of the stacks on the boats at the docking contests.

  15. Taze them. I've heard its effective in catching them.


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