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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

After 15 die in hepatitis outbreak, San Diego begins sanitary street washing

Sanitary street washing will commence in downtown San Diego and will continue every other week to combat the city’s deadly hepatitis A outbreak, Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s office said Friday.

The city responded to a letter sent by San Diego County Thursday, asking the city to move forward with a list of specific sanitation actions designed to help control the spread of the disease, which has killed 15 people and hospitalized nearly 300, many of them homeless and living on streets without adequate access to restrooms or showers.

The county gave the city five business days to respond with a plan for remedying what it called a “fecally contaminated environment” downtown. The county will soon expand its efforts to other cities in the region, where the outbreak has now produced nearly 400 confirmed cases.

The county moved forward last weekend with its own contractor, who installed 40 hand-washing stations in areas where the homeless often gather. There are plans, according to the city’s letter, to add more stations next week.



  1. Hard to believe this can happen in the USA. Oh yeah it's California! One messed up place that wants to become its own country! Have at it.

  2. Nancy's district that she has probably NEVER been to. Net worth of 250 million she could end the homeless problem with her own money. Sad

  3. Washing the street people might be advised.

  4. California is gross.

  5. I've read that there is a problem with people urinating on buildings and dropping on side walks like It's normal. No thank you. I vacation in the mountains where the only crap you see is likely from bears or deer.

  6. There is actually a phone app that tells you where the doo doo is on the streets of San Fransisco.



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