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Sunday, September 24, 2017

African-American Students Offended by Cotton Centerpiece, "black meal"

The president of Lipscomb University issued a public apology after an untold number of African American students were offended by a dinner table centerpiece made from stalks of cotton.

Yes, good readers – a group of college students was triggered by the fabric of our lives.

Randy Lowry, president of the Christian university based in Nashville, had invited African American students to his home for dinner last week.

One student who attended the gathering posted a diatribe on Instagram – along with a photo of the “offensive” centerpiece.

“We were very offended,” the student wrote. “My friend … asked why there was cotton on the table as the centerpiece. His response was that he didn’t know, he seen it before we did, he kind of thought it was ‘fallish’, THEN he said, “it ISNT INHERENTLY BAD IF WERE ALL WEARING IT.”



  1. You can not invite them anywhere. If they don't steal something sure as heck something will offend them. These people are nothing but problems.

  2. They sell those centerpieces at Hobby Lobby. What's next The Cotton Bowl.

  3. One would think that crime statistics and illegitimate birth rates of their people would offend and embarrass them more so than a cotton twig.

  4. Being offended is valueless. Additionally it is often a reflection of the weakness on the part of the "offended" party, to label something "offensive" and expect some sort of accommodation.

    Being "offended" makes all reasonable and stable grown ups see you exactly the same as that mom with that kind of short haircut screaming at a target employee, demanding to speak to their manager

    Being offended is a victim state you choose to put yourself in. It's the way people who are old enough to be "grown ups" to justify throwing temper tantrums when they're unhappy.

    Being offended is a state only privileged people can have. Someone interrupted your daydream of a utopic world of cotton candy and string cheese and forced you to recognize something real and unpleasant ? Boo hoo. Your feelings are hurt and you're offended and no one cares. No. One. Cares. Some people might act like they care because they had loser parent and have been conditioned to act like they care as a means to get through the whole episode faster.

    Being offended becomes a state of identity if one feeds the need to be offended for too long. It will consume someone so that they actively find reasons to be offended so they can maintain their identity of the poor righteous martyr victim with secret Force sensitivity and a mandate to do what they want.

    Being offended is for losers and people too dim to control their emotions.

  5. I have zero doubt that they marched into his house looking for something to make them aw offended n' sheet, so if it wasn't the cotton centerpieces it would have been something else. That's how they roll. They can't be around civilized people because they re always making trouble.

  6. Students offended Should be suspended from school until a mental evaluation is done from the students doctors. Make SURE they aren't a DANGER to themselves and others.

  7. I'm offended that our future leaders will be marsh-mellowed, snowflakes whining 24/7.

  8. Pus**** I'm older white man and I picked plenty cotton so go pack sand

  9. cotton is my favorite clothing material. everybody knows jewish businessmen dominated the garment industry.
    now black protestors are becoming anti-jewish.
    we know that won't be allowed to stand.
    they messed up with this protest and have met their match.

  10. 7:47, you said, "cotton candy", and guess what? I like cotton candy as we make that out a gift from God, sugar cane. The centerpiece is also a gift from God, and this is what it looks like when He finishes His job each year, again and again for our benefits, all races and colors! We all wear cotton to keep us alive and healthy.

    Imagine a world without it.

  11. Ain't none of them ever picked cotton neither has their parents get a life

  12. With each and every new thing they come up with to be offended by, their cause diminishes exponentially.Cant they see that? The reasonable and tolerant majority is getting real tired of the B.S.

  13. Suck it up cupcake and move on. We have heard this so much it is falling on deaf ears now. (map)

  14. So they go out of their way to make a meal they think they will like and they complain about it. Doesn't look like they were so offended they didn't eat that free meal. Those plates are stuffed full of free food.

  15. Did they serve rice at the meal,too?

  16. As an English teacher, I am offended by the writing and grammar of this so called college student. Writing and speaking out of haste or anger makes one appear unintelligent. It is suggested that you communicate your thoughts in an elevated manner to have your concerns heard or understood by an intelligent audience. Unless you are just trying to whine to your peers about a how you were offended by your own perceptions.

  17. Forget global warming everywhere I look I see snowflakes.

  18. Then remove every song with the word cotton. Start with Sam Cook, Ella Fitzgerald and many others.

  19. If someone can be offended by that, they have mental issues. They need a psychiatrist. You can't make crazy people happy by removing the "offensive image." Their defective brains don't register images like normal brains do. The offended one has never set foot in a cotton field, nor has any of his living relatives. For a presidet of a university to apologize for offending anyone with a flowering plant is absurd!

  20. The inmates (students) are running the prisons (university). That university president should resign and just let an "offended" student run the place. By apologizing, he is practically doing that already.

  21. My rights don't end where your feeling begin.

  22. The snow flakes and minorities are running everything. Just look at the public school system. They make middle school students sit silently at lunch because they cannot handle the trouble makers. Just sad!!

    I am really starting to feel it is too late to save this country from these losers.

  23. And every single one of them that was offended were wearing something that is made of cotton. Didn't stop them from shoving that free food down their pie holes though, did it? What a bunch of morons.

  24. Only if a putdown was intended do they have any reason to object

  25. Since they ain't the fabric of our lives, they have no say.

  26. I guess they don't take any aspirin either.


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