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Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Traumatic incidents can occur anytime, anywhere, and those who can help until emergency responders arrive could save lives. Worcester County Emergency Services (WCES) and Worcester County Volunteer Connection invite residents and visitors to attend “Until Help Arrives.” This free, three-hour Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) workshop will be offered twice, September 7 and 18, from 1–4 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Branch Library. Participants will acquire the basic skills needed to provide help after an emergency until help arrives.

“Recent tornadoes in Queen Anne’s County and Wicomico County point out that events like this can happen anytime” WCES Director Fred Webster said. “Being able to help victims prior to the arrival of emergency personnel can help save lives.” 

Experts from the American Red Cross, WCES, Maryland Emergency Management Agency, and other emergency organizations will cover topics that include communicating with 911 operators, positioning the injured, stopping life threatening bleeding, protecting the injured from further harm, and providing emotional support to a victim and his or her family. 

“Until Help Arrives” takes place in conjunction with National Preparedness Month in September and is being offered at no cost to the public.

“Our lives can change in seconds,” Worcester County Volunteer Services Manager Kelly Brinkley said. “The person who’s trained and prepared can make all the difference in the life of someone with a life-threatening injury. This workshop is designed for you to walk away with the training and confidence to assist if posed with a life-threatening situation.”

“Area residents are vital resources immediately after an emergency when they can provide life-saving aid until trained emergency personnel arrive,” WCES Emergency Planner Tom Kane said. “So, it’s important to include them in the emergency planning and training process.”

Each participant will receive a certificate of completion. Space in both workshops is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Preregistration is recommended. To register, call WCES at 410-632-3080.

1 comment:

  1. Think our country needs more than medical help!


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