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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Charlottesville: Fueling Race Riots One of the Left’s Cleverest Tactics

The left has figured out several methods that successfully work to divide the left and the right. One of their cleverest ways is stirring up race wars, because it has the extra benefit of making the right look bad. The playbook goes like this: Spread the word nonstop that Democrats help minorities and Republicans are racist (never mind that it was mostly Democrats in Congress who opposed ending segregation — people don’t pay close attention to history).

Once this false mantra has been established, label a broad range of normal behavior by conservatives as racist (it doesn’t matter if some of those conservatives are minorities themselves, like black and Hispanic police officers, contradictions don’t matter). Lump all that behavior in with that of the small number of real racists and refer to it as conservative or right wing (never mind that many racists are on the left, just gloss over that). Even better, create a new term that clearly refers to white supremacists, alt-right, and lump in mainstream conservatives. This tactic has allowed the left to write off one of the most popular conservative publications in the country, Breitbart, as racist. Since no one wants to be considered racist, it scares people away from being associated with conservatism.



  1. These are the tactics of Lenin, Marx, Engels, modernized by Saul Alinsky, espoused by Barak Hussein Obama and the American Communists. It is social extortion based on deceit and a willing press.

  2. What is the press going to say if their agenda actually succeeds and the radical left wants to limit what they can publish?


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