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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Weekly Fishing Report: Aug. 23, 2017

As the summer vacation time for kids begins to approach the end, I could not help but notice many of them are enjoying more simple things to do with the week or so left before they go back to school. Summer camps and other organized types of children’s activities are winding down, or already over for many families.

With the exception of some last minute family vacations, parents and kids are left to do simple things together, and closer to home. While taking an evening cruise around local waters I could not help but notice more than a few docks were occupied by kids and adults fishing or crabbing, and the number one fish for entertaining kids in the Chesapeake Bay is the white perch.

Read the full report here.

1 comment:

  1. I can remember having wonderful summers close to home..crabbing,,, fishing,,, bonfires....etc. Now the government has taken all the fun out of it with permit after permit. Too much hassle for working parents to fool with four different permits in four different govermnet locations for just the weekend. Sad.


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