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Sunday, August 06, 2017

VIDEO: Dirtbikes On Route 13 in Salisbury 8-3-17

These guys almost hit us in front of the hospital going north bound on Rt.13. Weaving in and out of traffic doing wheelies. While wearing masks. Just so happened they turned around an one had his mask off. This is not the first time I witnessed these four bikes endangering people on the highway.  Obviously the cops can't catch them. 

Thank you for your time.
Sincerely a concerned citizen.


  1. Frequently seen down Roger Street as well.

  2. When one of them gets smacked by a car or pickup, then see the responses.

  3. Jake Day:


  4. Thank you! Keep the videos coming. Lets show Jake what our illusion of a crime problem looks like.

  5. Spd is not allowed to pursue ANY vehicle, period!! Thanks babs. As for almost hitting u, I saw nothing like that. Quit exaggerating

    1. Hmmm, I got chased by them and got a ticket. I don't think so 9:59

    2. Right!! No excuses.

  6. And when they crash and their brains are splattered all over the road, whoever raised this losers will be boo-hooing and setting up a GoFundMe to bury their garbage.

    1. Seriously? You are a sick individual.

    2. Seriously tho 10:29 speaks the truth!

    3. You're ridiculous. Keep your filthy comments to yourself. Death is very serious, & no one should have to bury a child reguardless!

    4. If they raised their child right they would not be doing that dumb $h!t

  7. It's sad to see the police do nothing because of lawsuits I have seen these THUGS and that's what they are total LOSERS on a nightly basis almost hitting cars going through stop signs etc So the next time I am going over the speed limit and getting pulled over I should just run because I can't be chased oh but I forgot I have legal tags on my car so I will be caught

  8. 10:29 What brains?????

  9. Doesn't anyone find it somehow odd that all four are #1's ??

    Come on folks, get real! Let's put the hammer down where the hammer belongs!

  10. Most likely their vehicles are stolen.

  11. 11:04 AM

    AMEN! Jake, Barbie...where are you guys on this? Pizza everybody? Third Friday is the 18th, bring those bikes!!!

  12. rewards! and their neighbors will turn them in

  13. Just kids having fun. If you don't like it then your racist and maybe a bigot depending on the person riding the dirt bike. Also Russia could be involved if you disagree with this. :)

  14. Its like a posse of outlaws on dirtbikes.

  15. saw two of them yesterday with a sheriff car and an unmarked chasing them down 50 by mills street

    1. So they can give chase

    2. If they were Sheriffs cars most likely Sheriff Lewis isn't going to take their sh--!

  16. These four are not the only turds. I have witnessed double running on 13 in front of Delaware Tire. Also witnessed them all around town. Their luck will soon run out and be mangled along the street. Hope no driver hits them, they will become good "keds" and baby's daddy will finally surface and sue you or the city. And win ...lol

  17. Another example of how lawless this country is becoming. And if you do anything to protect yourself or your family you become the criminal and they become the victim. Give it time and this will morph into robbery because they know the police won't (can't) do a thing about it. Salisbury the new modern 'Wild West'. I will not go to that town for ANYTHING! I will travel 50 or more miles to get what I need rather than go into Salisbury!

    1. A little dramatic, don't you think? Stuff happens in every city, but I've lived there and the only thing that encouraged me to move was when my girlfriend and I broke up lol, and that was even after I worked at Rent-A-Center, knocking on doors and chasing skipped accounts for months. Some of us need to get over ourselves.

  18. They were doing it in Fruitland last week. Someone will get hurt eventually. It's just ignorance at it's finest!

  19. Jake what is wrong with you? You need to use your authority to stop this before somebody takes matter into their own hands. I hope they all find the back of a dump truck . These punks as big around as a pencil. I would be happy to go 1 on 1 with any one of them.

  20. Jake will do nothing trust me. Barb's will do nothing either. She will be one of the reasons he won't be reelected and she can't see that. Good bye Jake.

  21. Just kids having fun

  22. They come down Dover st at 4::00 every day popping wheelies and stuff. If they find care about there lives, why should i.i don't mean no harm but I wish the one popping wheelies would fall backwards , not hurt himself, but remind him that bikes are dangerous

  23. 9:59
    Read much? They said they turned around. That is when they were able to take the video.

  24. So because they're riding dirt bikes they're thugs and parents gonna have to bury them Usk g go fund me you white pieces of trash need to get a life and people wonder why the world is the way it is now.. Oh and I'm sure its a black or two commenting recklessly too..

    1. 1:44 Shred the race card. You are an idiot! They are thugs because they are breaking laws and are menacing to the rest of the citizens. Safety first!

    2. Well ya don't see white boys doing this dumb stuff.. but ohhhh Lordy let one of these idiots get hurt or worse, then tell me it's kids being kids... ya wanna be a stunt rider join the X-games however in those kinds of sports you have to respect laws, rules and OWN your own bike not steal them

    3. Yeah us sensible minded blacks are commenting. Tell your simple minded ahole friends to work hard,& buy a piece of land which they can exercise their off road vehicles on instead of jeopardizing the safety of others, making fools of theirselves,and shaming productive blacks. Im embarrassed myself.

  25. The dirt bike riders are very rude and ignorant. I was picking my daughter up for the YMCA summer camp and they were sitting on their dirt bikes by the basketball court there. As I approached the stop sign to exit the parking lot 3 of the 4 shot out in front of me causing me to slam on brakes. I was inches from hitting one of them. I yelled out my window are you physco?? The guy on the bike turned around and flipped me off. I simply said God Bless and headed home. These same guys were also seen days earlier SPEEDING ridiculously down Rt. 13 popping wheelies and weaving dangerously in and out of traffic. They seriously need to be caught and put away!!!

  26. 1 rides down Wilson st turning South on North Division around 7pm or so. Normally has a grey car following him

  27. 1:44, read the comment you left if you can understand it. If you can, you will answer the question why the world it like it is now. What ever color you are, don't pull that race crap on me. It doesn't and never has worked. Now go be productive and I don't me throwing babies.

  28. I know that's right!They were right in my way yesterday on west rd. acting like they didn't want to move out my way.I have the right away,they didnt move so I'll keep driving.If they hit or damage a car they can't fix it it'll be our lost because they have no insurance and don't know who it is that done it.I truly don't care if they did get hit,call me heartless. (oh well shouldn't been in the way)

  29. If one of them get hurt the parent will want to sue


  30. Color doesn't matter; it's the unsafe and unlawful behavior that is the issue. Certain amount of rough justice if one or more gets injured, in most peoples' eyes. But just as likely they will cause a situation where someone else gets hurt. On that basis alone the authorities at all levels should be very aggressive in ending this.

  31. They were racing down Long St by Wi Hi Monday came out from truitt by la tolteca. They rev their bikes on church street and around Priscilla street. Ski masks, wheelies and dirt bikes. Very annoying.

  32. Entertainment is all, live a little white people, if they get killed or caught in the process that's on them, they know the consequences of there actions. Stop acting like you never did anything wreckless or endangering when you were younger that you now sit back and laugh at. Let the police do there jobs And quit trying do it for them

    1. If you think so I know about 30 people that are ready to take matters into their own hands Thugs are Thugs trust me they will be stopped Having fun how about getting a job but that's how they operate

    2. Go ahead and let them take matters into their own hands and then they will be on the news for murder or what have you .. amd this "30" people will be in jail for caring about shit they can't control

  33. This is not as bad as you think there are 50 to 60 riders riding throughout baltimore, DC, philly, and New York and many other parts of the world so if you are gonna make a big deal about maybe 10 bikes at most and people who know how to operate a dirt-bike or quad that are riding them... it really isn't that bad, it's bad but not that bad... and the fact that somebody assumed they were stolen is exactly what's wrong with this wold .. how can you even assume something like that .. plus you wouldn't truest understand the feeling that most citizens have when they see dirtbikes and four wheelers riding and doing so called wheelies.. I personally love seeing those kids have fun doing what they need to do to have fun on those bikes .. yes it's braking the law .. but haven't we all done that ... haven't we all done stuff that "puts lives in danger" I mean cmon why is this such a big deal .. may I let you know there's two sides to this arguememt people who also break the law .. people who assume these kids bikes are stolen which I don't even know how you come up with that conclusion but ok .. people who want those riders "brains splattered across the street or people who are having fun .. yes breaking the law but they are aware of that .. they know there putting lives in danger .. but they know how to operate the vehicle ... they can WHEELIE it some folks don't even know how to start a bike .. it's not like there thinking oh I think I'm gonna go put lives in danger I want my brains splattered across the street I hope hope people go on a crazy internet spree and talk so much bad stuff about me .. no there not wanting any of those problems .. they understand some of those are at risk and yes it's breaking the law but do t we all do that.. they are having fun like all of us do... there's some rave cars out there in every town who go hundreds of miles an hour on curvy wavy roads in a thousands of pounds car not 300 pound dirt bikes .. and still there's maybe ten at most so I understand both sides of the story but there needs to be people aware of both sides as well... just think about it

  34. They should build a dirt bike park, like they build a freaking dog park

  35. Why are you people so full of hateful words and hate.....who raised you people

  36. I LOVE EM...Watch them every day...thanks for the entertainment guys...😗 if they were some white boys it would be some type of sport for yall...smh

    1. Facts ��but it's the other color so its a problem Be humble ��

  37. I see them all the time on the south across the street from Bennett, like Princeton Ave.

  38. If You Scared Move Away. Simple. Or Do You Need A Go Fund Me For That Lol

  39. 12:33 PM
    " and still there's maybe ten at most so I understand both sides of the story but there needs to be people aware of both sides as well... just think about it"

    Well I've thought about it and if I named every reason these bikes should not be on the public thoroughfare, I would be rambling on and seem as foolish as yourself.

  40. They are and try to be a menacing group trying to intimidate drivers especially the elderly creating fear for them. It's far more dangerous than you realize.

  41. 2:34 It's called an accident when they are riding illegally on the road and get hit by 4X4 truck.

  42. Just wait until someone does take the law into their own hands and shoots on of the dirt bikers....whether its here on the shore or DC, Balt or Philly. That will be a very bad day for all!

    Recommend those who "wanna be a thug", upgrade that mentality via schooling or by aspiring to be something better for yourself and society, rather than becoming a statistic which proves the thug life provides nothing in life except incarceration or quick death.

  43. 100% right 8:43. When I hear "thug" used in the comments on this blog I know exactly what they are really saying.

  44. sounds like fun to me.

  45. They have no tags, no helmets, wearing ski masks, are driving reckless and riding down 50 between the two lanes of traffic....cutting in and out of traffic doing wheelies riding on their back wheels. The police say they have been told not to chase them but........if you see them gasing up or in a yard to call and they can get them. Pitty that if you or I were on the road driving like that, with no tags etc I bet they would be chasing us. If these idiots cause an accident I'm quite sure they will not be able to pay for the damage. I don't care what color they are they are idiots!!! Are they thugs??? I'm not sure but they certainly aren't real smart! and where are their parents?


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