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Sunday, August 06, 2017

Another Shooting/Fatality In Salisbury Maryland 7-30-17

Joe you can post this now, it is another confirmed shooting with a fatality at 406 Bethel Street in Salisbury. It is another fatality in the city limits. What does Jake Day have to say about it now? A Priority 1 trauma arrest from a shooting is always, always a fatality.


  1. Mayor Jake Day's response to Salisbury's plight, not kidding people " HOPE DEALER" tee shirts on sale now only $12 at the uprising church Hebron Maryland. This mentality and approach will work wonders with all the gang banging drug dealers in Salisbury now

  2. My name is Fake Jake and I do not approve this message.

  3. Shooting death, knife fight and a burglary all within an hour. Whats that you say Mr.mayor????

  4. End of the month and EBT balances running low.

  5. But that's a gun free school zone! How could that happen?

  6. Is this yet another non-incident incident for the Chief Duncan and Jake Day to ignore and misreport to the FBI? They're going to bust you two for your fake numbers and it will be curtains for both because you'll be incarcerated in a federal prison system. Handcuff in handcuff. Good riddance.

  7. The part that concerns me is the very low rate of arrest made and I'm thinking back to when Officer Stephens was killed downtown in 1958. Off top my head, young man shot across from Arbys on Rt 50 while driving West. How about the owner of East Side Deli, thankfully lived, but who shot him? On and on....

  8. Awful. What time did all this happen and who is the victim and did the shooter get caught?

  9. Process of elimination. Let them have at it. The mayor should continue to stay out of it.

  10. There is no crime in Salisbury, crime is down lower than ever before, Jake has the stats. I don't know what stats he has but they must have been investigated and established by bugs bunny. That man is a compulsive lier. Salisbury is definitely little Baltimore, or Chicago. The thievery, rapes, drug dealers, gangs and killings are ridiculous. I have loved here for over 50 years, born here. I don't know what drugs Jake Day is on but to make a statement like that means he's either a total fool, lier, drunk or on some kind of snowflake drugs. And he and his cronies want to make it worse bu turning downtown into a section 8 housing complex. Good bye anything that resembled old Salisbury. Moron !

  11. REMOVE THOSE CHAIN LINK FENCES IMMEDIATELY! They are the cause of the constant violence occurring in the 'Bury. I can't stand that some thought it would be clever to ghettofy such a historic and classy name like Salisbury but now it's obvious the 'Bury is fitting with all violence that goes on day in and day out in the city.

  12. Is it safe to keep the SPD HQ where it is? Maybe it should be moved for the safety of the people that work there.

  13. Just occurred ARMED ROBBERY shad point rd not sure if Salisbury or fruitland line

  14. Jake Day , do you have one truthful or ethical bone in your pathetic, lowlife, spoiled, punk, Fake soldier body ? I guess Daddy can't buy your way out of this mess either. Spoiled little punk.

  15. This will continue until men and women take responsibility for the children they produce. As long as men/ women (boys/girls) have babies and completely neglect them we will have another generation of feral children who have no sense of responsibility or morality.
    The "Great Society" of 1964 allowed men and women to shirk the responsibility of supporting and raising the children they produced and the government was expected to send a check at the end of every month for 18 years and there was no need for marriage because the government was now the "parent".

  16. 102 the mayor's too chicken shit to deal with the real issues in Salisbury. He's a powder puff boy.

  17. Shad point road armed robbery not sure if it was home invasion or not

  18. Yep shooting, stabbing and an attempted break in all in what-about an hour. Either the mayor is going to continue to ignore the CONSTANT crime in Sby or he will try and spin it (lie really) somehow.

  19. Shad Point Rd. Is actually in Fruitland.

  20. We'll find out the victim soon enough. They will start sharing on FB with all the RIP's and fly high brother. Then we will be treated to the usual and useless candlelight vigil. Then in a few days or less one will shoot and kill another one and the same circle will begin again. They are so predictable. It's so ridiculous.

  21. You think it's bad now, wait and see if John Cannon beats out Bob Culver for county executive. Then let the show begin, those two are friends in life and business. Jake will get paid his kickbacks by John and the slums will grow and fill every nook and cranny of the city of Slumsbury. With these two on the lose nowhere in the city will be safe. That's the big plan for next election, to get Cannon in that executive spot. There will be no stopping these fools from their greed and power hungriness. You better wake up and make sure these two spoiled little brats don't get their way with this plan like they have always have. The county better keep Bob Culver as executive or it's a disaster for Wicomico County as well.

  22. Shad point road from riverside up to and they is Salisbury, fruitland doesn't start until recent development on left

  23. Up to 852 shad point road is Salisbury, either way its in wicomico county. Good old sheriff Mikey lewis has been awfully quiet lately, lewis you're supposed to be the bad ass LEO in town what are you doing about all this crap

  24. I think Joe Albero should call out ole baby boy mayor day for a town hall at the civic center. I know Joe has the cahoonas to do it buy sissy boy mayor won't show up. It's time to demand action out if him, or for him to step down as mayor, he's screwed up the fire department, and everything else he gets his bug dumb mouth in.cant distinguish between truth and lies. I'd go to this meeting. Call his punk butt out Joe, and run against him next election.

  25. Salisbury stops at the creek!

  26. Call in a real captain from the national guard.

  27. Hope the community starts coming forward and works with the police instead of against them. Only way to clean up this town and get rid of the drug dealers and murders

  28. Salisbury is on a top ten list for most crime in Maryland.

  29. Be here tomorrow morning at 9 AM Folks, I've got another hum dinger to expose.

    1. The chief's pizza oven is broke, contributing to the recent crime wave?

    2. FREE pizza to all if we play nice.

  30. How about worrying about getting the kids that run in the middle of traffic out of the streets. How about posting more cops up and catching all the a**holes running like savages in their cars 100+ mph down the 25 mph street. How about catching the heroin dealers that are out in plain site but these "cops" are too blind and stupid to see. No they would rather put up and fence that isnt going to do jack squat. A friend of mine was murdered over a year ago and its like its been washed away under the rug and forgotten about. But yeah lets report some overdoses and narcan saves and no arrests being made . . . . so very smart. 25 years ago I loved salisbury. Now I am ashamed I was even broought up in that hood rat, drug ran, trashy, baltimore wanna-be "city"!!!!!!! GET IT TOGETHER!!!!!

  31. Arm yourselves the crime wave is just beginning,billions being spent to curb drug violence and not even making a dent in it.

  32. I read elsewhere the man who was stabbed did not survive. Don't know if this is true or someone mixed it up with the shooting.

  33. Funny WBOC who lies and calls themselves Delmarva's News leader hasn't a peep about the shooting or the stabbing on their FB page. Such the brain trusts they are thought it would be smart of them to post some nonsense about a TV show. They certainly do have some real prize winners at that station.

  34. Salisbury Md has been rated #10 as the most dangerous(shootings) per capita in the country for the past several years.

  35. 2:16 PM What a load of crap statement.
    We told the police which house was the drug house. They knew the guy. They did NOTHING. For years our neighborhood was host to the trash and violence he brought upon us. It wasn't until a drive by shooting did the drug dealer leave.

    Talking to the cops was a waste of time then and is a waste of time now.

    1. No im sure they were watching him & have busted him. For some odd reason they investigate for months, sometimes years. Think it's to hit the pot of gold. Dont they keep the drugs and money? They money finances the new things you see them flashing. Politcs/govt. Smh. More gangster then the streets

  36. Shhhhhhh! Can you people keep it down until I can sell my house!

  37. These comments are so embarrassing. Adults making insensitive RIDICULOUS statements.

  38. @ 4:04 If you are over sensitive stick your head in the sand.

  39. Wow come on people, its not about the mayor, crime numbers, whos lying, whos not lying, there is a family who has lost a family member. The family is who suffers, no matter what that person maybe involved in, that persons familys life has changed. Lets be a lil kinder on here.

  40. I think 4:04 just pulled her head out of the sand , for a brief moment.

  41. How long will the off-road bikes burn ours local streets before serious damage. No tags, no helmets, not sh-t. Running wide open on one wheel.

  42. Anonymous said...
    We'll find out the victim soon enough. They will start sharing on FB with all the RIP's and fly high brother. Then we will be treated to the usual and useless candlelight vigil. Then in a few days or less one will shoot and kill another one and the same circle will begin again. They are so predictable. It's so ridiculous.

    July 30, 2017 at 1:22 PM

    So True!

  43. Some of these comments should be posted directly to Snowflake Jake's FB page. Heck, make up a fake page if you don't want anyone to know who it is. What are they going to do other than block you?

  44. Anonymous said...
    Funny WBOC who lies and calls themselves Delmarva's News leader hasn't a peep about the shooting or the stabbing on their FB page. Such the brain trusts they are thought it would be smart of them to post some nonsense about a TV show. They certainly do have some real prize winners at that station.

    July 30, 2017 at 3:22 PM

    It's a weekend, they don't work on weekends. Come Monday morning they will read all the blogs and get their news from the blogs.

  45. Anonymous said...
    Wow come on people, its not about the mayor, crime numbers, whos lying, whos not lying, there is a family who has lost a family member. The family is who suffers, no matter what that person maybe involved in, that persons familys life has changed. Lets be a lil kinder on here.

    July 30, 2017 at 4:45 PM

    Well Y'all should have given y'all's punks a better snatching up! Nuff Said!

    I guess you gonna put up your RIP and Fly High on your facebook page.

    Whens the candle light vigil?

  46. Joe while all this was going on I heard "Deputy Chief 6" say to Central he was stopping at an MVC to check on injuries. Then he said it was a single MVC in a ditch and no injuries.

    Central then asked if he needed the sheriff's department to make a response and he said no, he has called AAA.

    Well maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would be irresponsible not to contact the sheriff's office, especially on the part of that dumb clown at Wicomico Central. How do we know this guy isn't drunk or on some illicit drugs. It's not normal to drive into the ditch. How do we know this person isn't driving illegally.

    And you wonder why some firemen are too stupid to be holding the rank of Deputy Chief.

  47. I hope he is one of those thugs that ride their dirt bikes on Civic Avenue doing wheelies all the time. Seems like every time I am in the area about 6 or 7 of these thugs are riding dirt bikes illegally on the streets and some are wearing black hoodie masks.

  48. What's sad for me and my family is the fact that I have to live in this city more than likely for the rest of my life. I now have to live pay check to pay check and I will never get enough money selling my house to move out of the city. As a matter of fact I will have to sell it with not equity or at a loss. I doubt I will even be able to rent it out. The sad fact is the economy and this city left me living off my savings, retirement and mutual funds and now I am living pay check to pay check.

    This is why you still see a lot of good, white people stuck living in Salisbury.

  49. Anonymous said...
    What's sad for me and my family is the fact that I have to live in this city more than likely for the rest of my life. I now have to live pay check to pay check and I will never get enough money selling my house to move out of the city. As a matter of fact I will have to sell it with not equity or at a loss. I doubt I will even be able to rent it out. The sad fact is the economy and this city left me living off my savings, retirement and mutual funds and now I am living pay check to pay check.

    This is why you still see a lot of good, white people stuck living in Salisbury.

    July 30, 2017 at 7:06 PM

    Does anyone have any suggestions for people like this so that they don't have to just walk away from their home and mortgage? There's got to be an affordable way to get people out of these sad situations and find a new home for them.

  50. A man was killed! A father was killed! You don't know why or what led up to it. You just assume cuz of the area and his skin color he was a thug. I knew him for more than 20 yrs. He was a good person...nothing would warrant his life being taken. Nothing

    1. Perhaps you should contact Msp because they don't know who he is.

    2. Well to quite honest a young man that was wanted for second degree assault was no saint. From the sound of it this was no random act of violence, motevtgsn likely some sort of retaliation. Give it a break with how good a person, father on and on. Truth is you live the lifestyle it eventually comes back and bites you in the ass

  51. 8:01 sorry about your friend. You are right. This just like all others murders are senseless. I truly believe people do care but they are frustrated and fed up with the crime because it indirectly affects everyone. This blog more then any other local media out there has been on the forefront of speaking out about the crime wanting something done about the crime problem. It's a very popular subject on here so you can trust that people do care.

  52. Can't wait until 9am for the post.

  53. Don't worry about crime Barb keep handing out pizzas and doing press pictures. And let cornhole Kolb keep jamming it to people for BS reasons. Jake you might want to wake up. Duncan and Kolb have to go. I did not even mention Meinschein cause he shows up late and is asleep at the wheel anyways.

  54. Jake might want to clean house. Dunkin is lost and clueless and the officers won't do their jobs cause of hammer Kolb. Hope crime goes down soon before your career Day

    1. Dunkin should stick to doNUTS.

  55. Joe can you tell us what happened to the PNC Bank robber? Did he kill himself at the jail or did something else happen?

  56. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A man was killed! A father was killed! You don't know why or what led up to it. You just assume cuz of the area and his skin color he was a thug. I knew him for more than 20 yrs. He was a good person...nothing would warrant his life being taken. Nothing

    July 30, 2017 at 8:01 PM

    Yup, that's pretty much it. I'm sorry you lost your friend and glad you spoke up for him.

    But, you can't really blame people too much for their assumptions since so many live up to the stereotypes can you? Or maybe you can, I don't know.

    People are people. And until crap like that is stopped being taught to our young it will continue.

  57. You can't blame anybody for your own dumb actions. The black community has taken the whole victim mentality and gone to another level. This man obviously was no stranger to the street life. Was this just a drive by? Seriously doubt it, the problem here always come back to these half hearted wanna be gang bangers and the drug problem. Its plain and simple cut and dry. Your local officials have done all they could to keep this problem under wraps but your getting more and more of the inner city and immigrant influence and their getting bolder and bolder.

  58. I wish people stopped saying, "it's like this everywhere". It's not!!!
    The more you say it, the more you give up or the more complacent this community becomes.
    The data shows that you are more likely to be a victim of a violent crime here than almost anywhere else in America. Salisbury is safer than ONLY 2% of the country. It needs to be known and it needs to be addressed.

  59. I have politely "axed" before with no response. Would someone briefly advise me what this pizza-Duncan stuff is. I do follow this news source, but must have missed something in the past.
    It is sad that the closure rate of crime is not looking good around here. I was not a fan of Chief Dykes, but do believe it would be a better community if he were still with us. He was a tough nut and probably be walking the "skreet" at night right now if he were alive. R.I.P. "Hot Dog"

  60. Jean: We'll go someplace else, someplace were it doesn't have to be like this.
    Billy Jack: Oh, really? Tell me, where is that place? Where is it? In what remote corner of this country-no-entire goddamn planet is there a place were men really care about one another and really love each other? Now, you tell me were such a place is, and I promise you that I'll never hurt another human being as long as I live.
    Billy Jack: Just one place!

  61. Carry a gun.
    These criminals have no respect for anything except who is the toughest and baddest.
    To the police and the administration--- average, working (!) class people, taxpayers, homeowners, good citizens, and law abiding people, are really getting sick of watching open air drug markets operate in Salisbury, GROUPS of dirt bike riders riding and threatening these same good citizens, dozens of kids crossing RT 50 and, everyday, slow walking the road and taunting drivers, home invasions, bank robberies, and numerous assaults happening.
    Where are the police? Manning three daily radar units in Fruitland, hiding behind bushes on Pemberton, watching the radar gun. Staffing Nazi checkpoints where hundreds of citizens are stopped in the hope of catching one DUI and a guy smoking a joint. Speed traps GALORE but beat cops no where to be found. Getting the picture yet?
    In the meantime, all you do is tell us the sky is green and continue to raise taxes.
    The police are good at watching out for seat belt violators and making sure Joe Citizen toes the line.
    "We, the people" would love to see more emphasis on actual crime fighting (no, most people DON'T consider watching traffic as "crime fighting". Start addressing the CRIMINALS (citizens report the same group all the time, in the SAME PLACES, and the police can't catch them??????????????).
    Put two cops on a beat all day and night on Church Street or on Delaware Ave.
    Don't give me that crap about "you don't know what we do behind the scenes" or "it takes evidence to prosecute and we have a hard time getting that".
    It didn't take much "evidence" for my friend to get a ticket for "looking down".
    The revenue taken from working citizens is like a drug to you people -- you never can get enough. Aahhhh....I think I just hit a nerve.
    Keep cheering. And carry a gun.

  62. The very liberal north east New England states don't have these issues, Do you think it's because they are heavily Democrat or 97 % White ?


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