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Friday, August 25, 2017

Trump sets 6-month time limit for transgender military ban

A month after he announced a ban on transgender people serving in the military via Twitter, Donald Trump has issued a memo on how the decision is to be implemented.

The two-and-a-half-page note says Defense Secretary Jim Mattis must consider a service member's 'deployability' when deciding whether to eject them from the military.

That means that if they are unable to serve in a war zone, take part in training or serve on a ship for months, they must go, the Wall Street Journal reported.

It has not been spelled out exactly how the criteria will be assessed, however the Trump administration seems to be implying that it does not believe transgender service people are deployable.

The policy gives the Pentagon six months to oust 'non-deployable' transgender service members, bans new transgender hires and orders the Pentagon to stop paying for trans service members' medical treatments.



  1. Some transgenders, albeit a small number, are not deployable due to continuing medical treatments not available at remote locations, or not physically able to fully meet mission requirements because of surgical considerations.

  2. We the people had no idea that we were paying for the military personnel to have sex change operations.


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