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Friday, August 25, 2017

Police Investigating Abuse at Cheerleading Camp After Disturbing Video Emerges

A high school cheerleading coach and five others school employees are in hot water with parents and the school’s administration after a video was released of him forcing three girls to do splits. The video showed one girl crying out in pain as other girls held her in a split pose. The young girl yelled “stop” over nine times.

The incident, which allegedly happened in June, has picked up national attention. The Denver Police Department has formally opened an investigation into the events that took place at that cheer camp.

The coach, Ozell Williams, had been recently hired at Denver’s East High School when the incident took place. Thirteen-year-old freshman Ally Wakefield’s 24-second disturbing video has her yelling, “No I can’t!” and “Please stop!” as tears rolled down her face.



  1. Each time I watch this on TV , I
    want to Slap the S--- out of that

    1. 807 have you EVER been in a actual street fight? Do you work out 3 days a week in a mma gym? Because I have and it sucks and scary!

  2. If the kid was black and coach was white then we would have something to riot about.

  3. It seems to me, a bunch of black cheer leaders and a black coach holding down a young white girl saying no. Where's the outrage! This is a hate crime! This is antiwhite!

  4. A lot of people work out in an MMA gym but that doesn't mean they can fight.


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