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Monday, August 14, 2017

THE SECOND CIVIL WAR: Left, right brawl in streets of Charlottesville

The extremes of American society are gathering for a showdown in Charlottesville, Virginia today as 2017 meets 1865.

Video shows agitators carrying communist red flags through the streets as another group passed, with many flashing the leftist power fist:

Witness Hector Alcala noted Black Lives Matter at “Democratic Socialists” were on hand, and added the “Defend Cville” hashtag.



  1. Oh don't get it twisted its here and its needed

  2. There was enough blame to go around to all the groups that participated.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    There was enough blame to go around to all the groups that participated.

    August 14, 2017 at 1:49 PM

    Absolutely, and to the gov't members who wish to politicalize this and somehow use it against Trump.

    But also, we need to stop with all this searching for someone to blame. It's past time to listen to each other and find out the causes for things like this. Violence can only bring a short term victory, if successful. No one can beat an idea or a thought with violence. And hate always leads to violence, always.

    Even if you disagree with someone or their ideology sooner or later you have to address their concerns. And that is much harder than beating the snot out of someone.

  4. Question for you Joe. Anyone can answer as long as they do so with facts only without emotional tirades.

    We have all seen some of the pics and videos of this protest and other things.

    I recall one where I have seen people marching wearing helmets and what looked to be some kind of body protection. I can't remember which group they represented now, and without doing a whole lot of internet searching I figured I could go to the professional that collects such things regarding the news.

    I am thinking it was the original group that got a permit to have a protest. Some news outlets and others have used their name, distinction or whatever, interchangeably with other groups and it has caused some confusion, including myself.

    Were these the original protesters? Did they bring helmets, weapons, shields, pepper spray, etc. ? It doesn't matter to me right this minute if both sides did, I am only interested in whether this particular group did.

    Any help you might give is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  5. Of note, "Unite the right" held a rally which was legally organized with a permit from the city, as was their first amendment right to do so, and Antifa showed up with cement-filled cans and other weapons with plans to violently protest the event - creating a dangerous atmosphere which the police did nothing to control.

    Stand Down

    The ACLU confirmed that Charlottesville police were ordered to stand down, which allowed the KKK and Antifa to meet face to face with no interference.

    This just showed up in my FB page. But I'm continuing in my search.

  6. King statue has to go next in DC !!!
    African flags have to go too !!!!

  7. Quanza and black history month have to Go ....as long as U

    Keep erasing White History ...........only fair !!!!

    Lets do away with Affirmative action too and have Real Equality for Everyone !!!!!!

  8. Man this is absolutely amazing!! There's going to be a lot of people hung out to dry on this one. To all the young white ghetto supporters you're about to find out just how much your AA buddies care and loyalty is and how stupid you really look

  9. Next Civil War may not be that far away ...........

  10. I have seen a picture of the Unite the Right protesters I assume when they first began to arrive. They were wearing body armor, almost a full uniform, (I say almost because not all of them matched), and carrying what some call assault rifles. And I have recently read they hired the 1%er MC gang/club Warlords for security.

    This whole event, from them to the opposing "peaceful protesters" to the Mayor to the police to the governor stinks to high heaven.

    The more I find out about it the less I like it.

  11. Oh, and how could I forget to include the media in that despicable list.

  12. Finally, and most disturbingly, a group called ‘Antifa’ arrived on the scene, espousing ‘anti-fascist’ rhetoric against far-right groups. This militant group, which has been declared a ‘domestic terrorist group’ by the New Jersey Department of Homeland Security, resorts to violent tactics that mirror the very ‘fascist’ ideology it purports to be challenging. At Berkeley, black-masked Antifa members reportedly left behind property damage and started fires, while the group is believed to have violently disrupted the “March 4 Trump” event. This thuggish tendency, which seems to be strangely prevalent on the left, to resort to outright violence every time somebody attempts to challenge an idea sets a disastrous precedent. It also leads directly to outbreaks of violence.

    And let's not forget they are self-admitted anarchists.


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