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Monday, August 14, 2017

Ben Cardin accuses Trump of distancing himself from American values in Charlottesville response

Sen. Ben Cardin said Monday that President Trump has “distanced” himself from American values by failing to call out white nationalists over the weekend.

“He’s gotta call it what it is and his missed that opportunity. Moving forward, I would hope the president would be much more sensitive to these types of issues and show leadership. But I must tell you I have not seen that at all — didn’t see it during the campaign, have not seen it during his first months as president — this clarity about our values in this country and that’s disturbing,” Mr. Cardin, Maryland Democrat, said on CNN.

“This country strengthens in our diversity and he has certainly distanced himself from the traditional values of America,” he added.

Mr. Cardin was reacting to Mr. Trump’s response to violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend where one woman and two police officers were killed and scores injured. White supremacists and neo-Nazis descended on the city in a white nationalist rally to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.



  1. There's that word again. Diversity is so overused by the Left that it's lost its meaning. In Leftish speech, it only means the diversity that THEY want and can get votes from.

  2. Anti white rhetoric from the Democrats and their media has fueled White nationalism.

  3. This guy is a complete A$$!!!!!

  4. Just go away Ben

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 14, 2017 at 1:58 PM

    Really, Benny Cardin? The Old Entrenched Maryland Democrat giving lectures to President on Fake News CNN ? And talking about "President distancing himself from traditional values of America"" LOL at Benny, WOW! Like he knows anything about tradional values. So we have 2 or 3 different grouos of lunatics fighting against each other in this meleee. President adressed it in his statement the same day, but Benny decides to be the Bashfull Critic. Lets Drain the Swamp and Cardin with it.

  6. Say it one more time. Donald Trump is my President! Making America great again.

  7. Cardin is detached from his constitutes in Maryland. He represents none of us citizens trying to make a living. If you are not from The Baltimore / DC corridor he could care less about representing you. The poor and the rich is all he cares about because that is who he preys on to be elected. Another Elijah Cummings.


  8. Election year on the horizon? That's the only time they wake ol' Ben up to blabber some useless platitudes. Think OweMalley's band is auditioning; go try out.

  9. Just another "damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  10. What did he say wrong? Trump dropped the ball. He should have condemned hate groups. He was right to point out the lack of appropriate behavior on both sides, but he should have condemned the hateful whites only views. Whites should love themselves and want whats best for theirs but when one says exterminate anyone else who isnt white, then its a problem and then all that really matters is shelved behind the racist, hate rhetoric.

    1. Need to call out ALL hate groups black and white. The new black panthers, black lives matter, neo Nazis, KKK and the list goes on. To call out only one side does not stop the hate, it only fuels the hate.

    2. Im not familiar w/ the new black panthers views. I have never heard blm say we hate whites, we are supreme get rid of other races. Their main point has been for cops to stop killing blacks unjustly. The moment they say we hate whites or other ethnic groups and start hanging them then yes denounce them too. Blm wasnt at the center of Saturday s chaos. Johnny hit sara in school. What you going to say, well bill hit Connie two weeks ago so dont punish Johnny? Responsibility & accountabity should be taken at that moment. If Blm does something bad, then who is going to want to hear the kkk does it, I know im not. No hold them accountable at that moment. Deflection is nothing but a ongoing game of back and forth w/ no resolution. They all have the right to feel how they feel them and those who oppose them do too, but they do not have the rights none of em to endanger and or take the lives of others.

    3. Just like ypur BOY Obama did....WTF asxhol×

    4. The mind is a terrible thing to waste country dumb excuse me, Zero, zorro. Honestly I did not care for Obama s politics but I did respect his demeanor.

  11. Ben Cardin is a true emberessment to Marryland

  12. All the Democrat party can do is lie, cheat, misrepresent, deceive and kill. Democrats have become nothing but the gutter sludge of humanity. They look like a bunch of psychotic imbeciles. No wonder the party is in complete disarray and under investigation, with silencings (kinda like their unmasking but murder) and international spy intrigue.

    1. Party haters either way are equivalent to racist. Why cant people agree to disagree w/out this level of disrespect. Sickening. I work with others who do not necessarily share my political views but we respect each other and agree on many levels. I would not think to generalize or categorize them and speak of them in this matter despite their views. What they eat I dont shh. This is the same level of hate and decisiveness that is plaguing and further rottening America. Here we fighting and hating each other and the illegals and orher countries breathing a sigh of relief hoping we forgetting about them and their silent take over. WAKE UP AMERICA

  13. Mr.President. Cardin does not speak for the Eastern Shore of Maryland. We are behind you and you spoke the truth.


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