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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Smoking Marijuana Triples Risk Of High Blood Pressure Death, Study Says

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A new study is warning that people who smoke marijuana have three times the risk of dying from high blood pressure than those who don’t use the drug. Scientists, publishing their findings in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, added that the risk of dying from hypertension grew with each year of smoking marijuana.

The study revealed that of the 1,200 people tested, those who smoked pot were 3.4 times more likely to die from hypertension. The risk of suffering a fatal blood pressure condition also went up by 1.04 times for each year the person had smoked the substance. The study did not find a link between marijuana use and dying from heart diseases or strokes.

Barbara Yankey, co-author of the study and a PhD student at Georgia State University, says the decriminalization of marijuana use in many states has been based on incomplete claims that the drug has positive health benefits.



  1. Oh. That's why they call it MEDICAL.

  2. My wife has seizures and smokes it. We recently found out she has high plod pressure. Scary.

  3. I'm truly torn down middle with this. Smoked weed earlier in life things were a bit laid back mello. After military and life's bumps and bruises recently diagnosed PTSD. The crap they try to pump into you today is poison and seems to make things worse. I think with with the weed it tends to increase appetite and a little lazy, hence possible problem with high blood. Hive me the weed over pharmaceuticals any day

  4. what the article is saying is that weed gives u HBP, = death by HA or stroke. When I was a kid, alli heard during the War on drugs was POT is worse than cigaretttes, bad bad bad

    now u hear nothing really of its downsides? why, cause government and pharms have finally got their legal teeth in it, and it will just be another money maker and it will destroy peoples health and lives

  5. For me, it has the opposite effect. My blood pressure went down to more acceptable levels.

    1. 4:07 Me too! Not sure about this study. Been smoking it for 35 years and my blood pressure is always really low.

  6. A friends daughter is an emergency room MD in a southern college town. She has seen 2 deaths attributed to marijuana. They call it sudden death. Something about the heart rate. It's not the same pot of the 70's is the reason. Freddie Gray and Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin had pot in their system and it caused them to get extremely violent which resulted in their death not from the pot but other ways.

    1. That is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard!

    2. Definitely lies. I used to smoke it. Definitely mellowed me out when I wanted to put one in my cheating no good ol man. Had normal healthy blood levels and health

  7. I have low blood pressure, low heart rate and am under weight. Just more good news for me.

  8. Funny they mention that. I have a blood pressure testing machine. I also smoke pot. I have smoked weed and tested myself many times. Right after 1 minute after, 5, 20 ,1 hr. Weed had little effect one way or the other. Same with the heart rate monitor. Little effect on way or the other.

    I do not believe this.

    1. Survey is flawed. I like when they say " may " cause this. Climate Change " may " happen and we all drowned.

  9. The Government bombarded the tobacco companies with taxation after they won their lawsuit claiming that tobacco MIGHT cause harm to your health. Now, before this "medical miracle" goes on sale, we are hearing that it too MIGHT cause harm to your health. How long does anyone think it will be immune from the huge taxes local governments are making from tobacco?

    Maybe smokers should get someone to create a MEDICAL tobacco. Will it be tax exempt like aspirin? I doubt it.

  10. All drugs have side effects look at virga,just imagine having a woody for 10 hours it was not fun after 3 hours

  11. READ the the background on the author. READ how the survey was conducted. Its hard to believe it even got printed. She will use this ridiculous survey to finish her doctorate... not to long ago when a person conducted fake surveys they were called a moron, hack and liar. Now the person is a conversation starter and given a trophy.

  12. Choosing the representative group with a single question, "Have you ever smoked marijuana", then using just those who said "Yes" to the question, not quantifying or qualifying multi-year use? Lame. This is not doctoral level work.

  13. Like all the misinformation about eCigarettes and big Tobacco, pot is now on the chopping block because big Pharma can't afford for people to turn to marijuana for pain relief. Their opioids are big money makers for them. Don't fall for this. If anything, you can become too relaxed on marijuana not revved up.

  14. Philip Morris has had marijuana cigs for years in anticipation of the day when smoking pot became more acceptable for medical and recreational use. Seriously don't believe this so called study. Sounds like more propaganda because God forbid the government not have their hands in everything. This is one industry where you have individual growers and patients possibly growing their own.

  15. Just saw one on sugar damaging health, but took away cane and high fructose to get results. So, now eating a luscious natural sweet yellow peach right off the tree is now bad for us?

    Bullshit tests aimed at a certain result to profit whatever they're selling is what I call it.

  16. 4:39 you are so totally clueless. Please stop with the rediculous misinformation! Lol


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