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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Seven Baltimore cops are caught on body cameras 'planting drugs in a car' days after another video was released 'showing an officer placing evidence'

  • Police body cameras allegedly shows them planting drugs in Baltimore
  • Footage involves seven police officers during a car search which led to arrest
  • Dozens of drug- and firearm-related cases now dismissed by State Attorney
  • The 34 cases relied on evidence from the three officers in the video
  • In addition, some 100 cases are currently under review as a result

New video allegedly showing Baltimore police officers planting evidence has emerged just days after it was revealed that footage of similar actions had led to the dismissal of dozens of drugs cases in the city.

The footage is claimed to show several officers in the Maryland city collaborating to place drugs in a car which were later found during a search that led to an arrest.

The events, which have led to charges being dropped in at least one case, were captured by multiple police body cameras while officers were seemingly unaware that their actions were being recorded, the public defender's office said.



  1. obama caused this , he wanted the blacks to hate cops , so revenge is hell ain't it . I would plant any and all incriminating drugs , guns and what ever it takes to get these thugs off the streets. You have to remember these are nothing more than low life animals who have the culture of hate .

    1. Really? Get a life. Its not hard to catch a criminal. Planting evidence to get what one wants is addictive as it is dangerous. Guess it's not a problem until it spreads to your neck of the woods.

  2. you cant make this stuff up! to damn funny! keystone kops anyone? wait until you call for one and see what happens, hopefully they wont show! or else you'll be going to jail to, right after they make up crap for you!!

    1. Right. Especially if you are a person who knows their rights. Better be careful Joe.

  3. whole city is a toilet from the top on down.

  4. Have these cops been charged with possession of narcotics yet?

  5. Just because fake news has edited film clips and says it's true doesn't make it true. I don't believe it. And the films don't show it. I'll ride with the police and you can ride with the thugs.

    1. So if we are riding together who gets to sit shotgun.


  6. Charm City...live on camera!

  7. Obama wanted a race war and there lucky the 13 percenters didn't get it.

    1. What is with all of you thinking that this is because of Obama. This crap has been going on long before Obama.
      I said it then and I will say it now I feel for the kids who have been protesting in the streets in Baltimore. Imagine if your kid got stopped and frisked every day on their way to school? With cops like this your going to prison eventually even if you're doing nothing wrong.
      This whole system is on the brink of collapse because it's becoming more and more apparent that the Government is so corrupt it can no longer be taken seriously as a moral authority. I want all the cop defenders to read that line again because this is what it's about. It's not cop hate it's lawmakers, politicians, judges and generals exposing themselves to be just as corrupt as 3rd world dictators and war lords. The crime that affects my life happens in the halls of D.C., not in the streets of Baltimore.

  8. Good for them...take the trash off the skreets. Thank you

  9. I am not surprised by this activity.
    Those of us who know police have been aware that they plant evidence.

    It is a corrupt government.

    1. I have never planted evidence or ever seen it done.

  10. Sure guys, the cops just became corrupt all because of Obama. Pass me a little of what you are smoking.

  11. And that boys and girls is why you never trust a cop.

  12. Watch Out > that Black Attorney may plant evidence on the
    COPS .........she should have been FIRED !!!!!!!

  13. State police do it too.


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