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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Roger Stone: Seth Rich Was Partying With Imran Awan on the Night of His Murder

According to Trump confidante Roger Stone, disgraced Debbie Wasserman Schultz aide Imran Awan was with former DNC staffer Seth Rich on the night of his murder.

Rich was murdered in an upscale area of Washington DC on July 10 last year but the killer or killers did not steal anything from the victim, rendering the police’s explanation that the incident was a robbery gone wrong doubtful.

Infowars reported on the questions surrounding Seth Rich’s murder multiple times back in August last year, including how there was around an hour and a half of “unaccounted for” time between Rich leaving a bar and being killed.

Brad Bauman, a crisis communications manager for the Democratic Party, was hired by Rich’s family to act as their spokesman.

Bauman’s first action was to insist that people stop questioning the unsolved circumstances behind Rich’s murder.



  1. The plot thickens.

  2. Maybe this is what he had on Wasserman Schultz???


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