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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Private School in North Bethesda Bars Students, Staff From Wearing Redskins Gear

A private school in North Bethesda is banning apparel with the Washington Redskins team name or logo after concluding “we cannot continue to allow children or staff members—however well intentioned—to wear clothing that disparages a race of people.”

Green Acres School leadership last week sent families a message announcing the change, which emerged from classroom discussions about race- or ethnicity-based sports team logos.

In a phone interview Monday, Head of School Neal Brown said he wants to enforce the rule in a way that creates a respectful campus without making children feel guilty for cheering on the D.C. team.



  1. I look at the name "red Skins as a leader in sports , it has nothing to do with Indians . What color ink do you prefer blue or black , oh hell I can't say black it might offend the people of that color . Why do we by white paper for our printer , oh crap , we can't say that we are the chosen ones .
    Get a figgen life people.

  2. Gooooooooooo RAVENS!!!!!!!!

  3. I'll bet there aren't any American Indians that go to that school.
    More political grandstanding, trying to prove how inclusive and protective of diversity they are....
    Looks great on their resume.
    I hope the Redskins are able to survive such a mortal blow.

    Hail to the Redskins!

  4. Here we go Again ......Stop it !!!

  5. Many Native Americans have said the name does not offend them. Some have even said it flatters them to have a football team named for their people. Just more liberal globalist garbage.


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