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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

DC firm selected to investigate grade fraud allegations in Pr. George’s Co.

SUITLAND, Md. — Months after allegations arose of widespread grade fraud in the Prince George’s County school system, the Maryland State Department of Education has announced that it’s hired a firm to investigate the claims.

According to a statement issued Tuesday by state education officials, the D.C. firm of Alvarez and Marsal will “conduct a comprehensive audit of the Prince George’s County School system graduation rates.”

Members of the county’s school board made the allegations, and Gov. Larry Hogan called for such an audit after members of the county’s delegation to Annapolis requested a review.

Prince George’s County schools CEO Kevin Maxwell said that he welcomed the investigation by the state.



  1. Look for family connections to the firm doing the audit for what? Several million, maybe more?
    And what exactly do you think they are going to say?
    They MUST say "there are some instances of grade inflation and such, but not on a widespread scale and not enough to affect the statistical models".
    Anything else exposes the fact that they are turning imbeciles loose on society (I lived in PG County for several years) with little hope of ever being a contributing factor in society. And, there is pretty much no hope of changing the system. That's just the way it is.
    More political BS, trying to keep people thinking they are actually "working on the issue". "We, the people" are amazed they get PAID (by us...) to keep coming up with these ideas, all the while students continue to get dumber each year. Year after year.
    keep cheering

  2. PG County eh? Didn't MD build a huge full blown casino in PG County with the county exec loving it? Seems priorities (like kids going to school) took a very bad back seat for CHA CHA CHING!!!!!!!!

  3. When will they be investigating the City of Salisbury? They've been working off an illegal budget now for two months. When will this be taken seriously?


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