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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

President Trump clears path to give military weapons to local police

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday, which clears the way for surplus military weapons to end up in the hands of local police departments.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, made the announcement at Monday’s opening speeches of the Fraternal Order of Police national conference at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel.

"The president is proud to stand with you,” Sessions told a hall full of officers who stood and applauded. “We have your back. We back the blue.”

President Obama restricted the flow of surplus military weapons to local police departments in 2015. President Trump’s order dissolves those regulations.



  1. So I'm confused... I thought police militarization and over extention of budgets were bad; but now it's good?! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL!!

  2. I support Trump, but not a big fan of this...

  3. Terrible decision. This one demonstrates that Mr. Trump (like other POTUS) has no brain cells. He is an idiot.
    Why would it be a good idea to militarize the local police? Ever heard of Posse Comitatus?

  4. DAG NAB IT....HOLD ON A MINUTE....... Obama said citizens already have a weapons of war if they own guns...

  5. BIG President Trump supporter but in favor of military gear for the police.

  6. They can get it from the military or buy it from the people who make it. Either way police will get the gear. Still waiting to be stopped by a tank...

  7. Go for it I'll support this action 100% , when people wake up and realize the criminals are getting away with murder.
    Maybe you butt heads think we should give this stuff to another country so they can use it against us .
    Realize this , we are being attacked from within by Antifa , Isis and other militant groups , we need to terminate all who don't support our country.

  8. 6:18, the Police in the last two, Charlotte and Berkeley, were loaded to the teeth with enough weaponry to mow down every Antifa who raised a hand, yet were told to stand down. Anita won both violent attacks.

    Now, they need a tank?

    What will they use it for besides tearing up the pavement?

  9. Its for use against "we, the people".
    They are getting ready. People a lot smarter than you and with access to info YOU never get to see know that entropy is working right here in the USA.
    These violent punks WILL NOT STOP.
    This is the "fundamental change" that obama started.
    Smart people know it will come down to who has the best weapons and most numbers. That would be "we, the people".
    Buy ammo.
    Keep cheering.

  10. This is a very thin line and the administration needs to tread lightly.

  11. So this means "we the people" should be able to buy the same stuff since a militia is supposed to have the same equipment as the standing military, right?

  12. The only thing Obama ever did that I agreed with was this ban. Now we can more 2:00 am "swat" attacks on 85 year old grandmothers.

  13. Takes many man hours of training with military gear - something our local LEOs are not staffed/resourced to support. Could be playing with fire again here...All for a LEOs, but with military gear?

    Ouch maybe?

  14. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 30, 2017 at 1:14 PM

    I have no problem with it. This is better than Obama and Holder giving away our military surplus to Drug Cartels on Southern Border. Remember Operation Fast & Furious?

  15. It's sad that some of us remember when police officers were your friend and someone you looked forward to seeing/interacting with. Not today.


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