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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

President Trump Absolutely Destroys Reporter On Sheriff Joe


  1. Nevermind, I had to right-click on it and select unmute. Works fine now.


  2. Should we start a pool to guess when that elite member of the MSM next gets to ask a question? I'm picking the day of the 2024 eclipse.

  3. I still don't agree with the mentality of "he did things that were so much worse" as an excuse. I'd like to see our President moving forward and not looking so much to the past. Actions, not words, define a man

  4. I agree 3:40 - However, the situation we find ourselves in is the MSM will continue with this crap and the nutty left will never hear the truth. In fact, I will wager my lunch money the majority of the sheep have no idea that 0bama pardoned absolute thug after thug. So, yes I wish he did not have to do this, but he does. Republicans have not fought the media and that is why we lose. McCain (not a real republican) and Romney are perfect examples of rolling over for the media and they lost. Romney, although not my first choice, was a good man and the media destroyed him.

  5. Get the facts out any way we can. Trump is going to be "wrong" according to the MSM no matter what he does. He needs to use them like this now and keep at it!

  6. I agree with the above comments but it's true the media need to be fought till they understand they have to report facts. I knew Donald Trump would fight them for us and that's why I voted for him.

  7. Jon Roberts, Fox News tee'd up the question for the President and Trump hit it out of the park!

    All the while, PMSNBC and CNN keep talking about RUSSIA!

  8. That Damn Obama (Enemy Number One of USA ) Let those
    Worse of the Worse FREE , from Guantanimo and countless
    other Bad things he did , and people still eat him up like
    he is all so good....NOT
    If Trump had done a Fraction of what Obama did he would be
    Impeached !!!! Double Standard Galore !!!

  9. That reporter is John Roberts of FOX News, and IMO President Trump did not destroy John. John was covering President Trump's back by asking that question before "fake" media got the chance. I saw it live on TV and thought it a smart move on John's part. President Trump was able to calmly give his answer without "fake" media starting a shouting match. John's wording of the question left no room for further discussion. I'm sure our President feels comfortable with John Roberts. IMO he's one of the good ones who reports the truth.

    Who ever titled the video did not get it right as John was not destroyed.

  10. Trump is the BEST thing for USA in a LONG time !!! FACT

  11. He is TOUGH ENOUGH and can Take The Heat !!!!
    The Rest will just have to Get Out of the Kitchen !!!!

  12. Because two wrongs make a right. That guy did bad things, so ignore that bad things I did.

    Why do we allow this to happen. Why do we accept this non-answer? It's not an answer, you know that right?

    As long as we continue to debate and argue like this we will never get anywhere.

    Americans, we must demand better.


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