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Friday, August 18, 2017

Pence Is Praying ‘We Will Not Allow the Few to Divide the Many’

Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday touched on the tragedy in Charlottesville, saying he’s praying for the family of Heather Heyer, who was killed when a driver mowed down protesters in the street, and that he’s been praying that Americans don’t let “the few to divide the many.”

“Today while I’m here in Chile, our hearts are in Charlottesville because just a few short hours ago, family and friends gathered to say farewell to a remarkable young woman, Heather Heyer, and we've been praying. We've been praying for God’s peace and comfort for her family and her friends and her loved ones,” he said during a press conference with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet in Santiago, Chile.

“And we're also praying that in America that we will not allow the few to divide the many. The strength of the United States of America is always strongest, as the president has said so eloquently, when we are united around ou
r shared values, and so it will always be,” the vice president said.

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  1. Christians, unite in prayer with VP Pence!

  2. Who things Pence would make a good President?


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