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Friday, August 18, 2017

Darby: Antifa Is the Resurgence of Anti-War Movement, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter

Breitbart Texas Editor Brandon Darby provided some vital background on the violent Antifa group during his Thursday appearance on Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.

Darby noted that the “moderate left” and its media apparatus generally provides cover for their “extreme crazies.”

“For instance, with MSNBC and Chuck Todd yesterday, when he had a man on who was writing a book about Antifa, and he allowed the man to talk about the importance of fighting racists in the street. He gave him the same credibility that you or I would give the head of the Democratic Party, or the head of the Republican Party if we had them on our show,” Darby said. “He allowed him to express his views in full and even gave him the last word. They rally around their crazies.”

He warned that the left’s current crusade will not end with knocking down some statues.



  1. No it's George Soros' destroy America movement.

  2. This group funded by George Soros and family supported by Obama and Clinton proves the shadow government is growing as enemies of the state and should be labeled as such. This shows where the true Rebublicans stand and who are the chameleon rogue Republicans.

  3. I can tell you from going to DC to spend some time in the street with the occupy protesters that they are not all communists as they are portrayed. Just like gun loving, anti-government, conservatives are not all KKK members like the media would like you to believe.
    Most were young middle class kids. They are products of our countries school system so they don't understand much about real history and the way Governments work but they know that the system is broken. The only argument between most on the left and us is how to go about fixing it because it must be stopped.
    The current situation in Charlottesville is not a glimpse at a wider societal breakdown but a tiny event that got blown up by the media, twisted to fit an agenda and then injected into the brains of the American people via television. It is a story of their own creation. If you look at how it went down it's like you are watching the same playbook as Project Veritas exposed with the fake Trump protesters and fake outrage.
    I'm almost happy to see it because it is a sign of desperation and because it will not work. WE will not allow it to work, because if WE do it will cost your children their freedom of speech, their right to privacy, their freedom to bear arms and much much more.

  4. The same Leftist hate groups that are getting a pass with the leftist media.


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