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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

North Korea: 'We will nuke you.'

MANILA—North Korea on Monday threatened to use nuclear weapons against the U.S. if provoked militarily and said it would “under no circumstances” negotiate on its nuclear and missile weapons programs.

In a written statement handed to reporters on the sidelines of a regional security forum in Manila, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said the regime had developed nuclear weapons as a legitimate option for self-defense “in the face of a clear and real nuclear threat posed by the U.S.”

Mr. Ri criticized the U.S. in his statement for attempting to “internationalize the nuclear issue.” He said that North Korea didn’t pose a threat to other countries, stating that the regime had no intention to use nuclear weapons “against any other country except the U.S., unless it joins military action of the U.S.”



  1. That would be their LAST MISTAKE !!!

  2. We should do it to them first!

  3. And if he did nuke us, just what does he think would happen to the rest of the world? Does the term nuclear winter mean nothing to him?

  4. Fat Boy needs to be offed by his inner circle, when they realize he is leading them ALL off the cliff. They have to know that you don't poke the bear.

  5. Wipe them off like Hiroshima with a First Strike before they
    do one on us or our allies ......has to be done...wake up !!

  6. Fat Boy needs to exit this world, period/end of story. Those who choose to honor his filth, need to use the same exit.

    Then the demilitarized zone can be demolished and North Korea can finally have power after dark! Times have changed and the on-going BS that is Korea needs to end.

  7. no intention to use nuclear weapons against any other country except the U.S.? Does that mean that they intend to use nuclear weapons against us,I think they better clarify that statement and China needs to hear it as well.

  8. This has been going on for over 20 years, only to get worse with time. Do we give them more time, to develop their capability, or has the time to act pass for good? Right or wrong the time is here and now for The US to act First and last.

  9. Lets destroy them totally

  10. To all commenters here, Yes the dictator is off the charts wacko. He has a clubhouse of henchmen that are either just as wacko or just afraid of him so they go along.

    There is a general population who are pretty much "in captivity" there and slaves to him just wanting to feed their families.

    There's an army there made up os a mix of the two.

    Kill them all and let God sort them out? NO, I don't think so.

    He has to be eliminated along with all his family and followers, no doubt. A tough puzzle, but not too tough for the guys who stand ready when it absolutely, positively has to be destroyed overnight.

    There are many wonderful NK souls that want nothing but a peaceful life, and China and other neighbors who want nothing to do with a bunch of nuclear bombs going off! Diplomacy and oops can fix this.

  11. We Not afraid >> Bring it >>> we take You out first !!

  12. You can't make deals with the Devil
    Haven't US Government learned that yet after WW2 ????

    Just like Hitler > Have to TAKE THEM OUT before they get U

  13. His Own men may just Kill him for you as Hitler's tried to
    do to him.....
    They are fools to let him live and enslave them ..........

  14. we got a SUB just waiting on stnby near NK coast line !!!

    They won't even know what the Hell just hit them !!!!

    Use our weapons this time around instead of getting our men
    killed needlessly like in the 50's ..........

    That is what they are for > to Save our men & take Out the
    Enemy men .........Stop waisting our troops .........

  15. I would like to see Trump pre-emptively turn Pyongyang into a radioactive parking lot.


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