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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Maxine Waters Won’t Rule Out All-Black Party

California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters wouldn’t rule out the concept of an all-black political party when asked about it on Monday.

Waters joined “The Breakfast Club” radio show on Monday morning and was asked if it was time for black people to form their own political party.

“No, not at this point,” Waters said. “You have to show that you’re willing and you’re able to put the numbers together and exercise your influence.”

“We still are not voting our influence yet,” she continued. “What we should do is organize our power, exercise our power, particularly in the Democratic Party because that’s where most of us are.”



  1. Isn't that RACIST????

  2. 10:20 ABSOLUTELY RACIST! I wonder what would happen if someone even wrote about the possibility of an all-white party?!

  3. 10:20 AM Its only racist if you are white.

  4. 17% of the American population. Good luck (not) with that. If political power is determined by race, a single race, then whites will always win, hands down.

  5. There already is one > called the Demon-crat Party !!!!!

  6. Let them form their own party and see how well that works out for them. That is one of their major difficulties-they will vote for a black come hell or high water EVEN if a white opponent has a stellar record and is more accomplished. This utter stupidity is why they find themselves in the predicament they are in today and have not advanced socially or economically as well as other races and ethnicities.

  7. Sounds like a great idea. Do it.

  8. Keep feeding the animals and they will always be in the news. Ignore, don't give them airtime and they will vanish!!!

  9. Like the congressional black caucus?

  10. nothing would please me more with 13% of the population and 20% that do not vote and another 30% in jail the blacks would lose any and all elections.

  11. I think it's a great idea.

  12. The Affirmative Action Party?

  13. Great idea. Split the Democratic vote. Republicans will sweep!

  14. Can she possibly get crazier?

  15. She Pelosi and Hillary all need to be in the same retirement home, they need to meet Anthony Hopkins in Psycho # 3, he can preserve them with his Mom if you remember the movie.

  16. And it would turn to crap just like everything else has that is all black. Just look at their neighborhoods and countries for evidence of that. I'm sure I will get flagged as a racist for saying that. But if I am mistaken, educate me, don't belittle me.

    I seriously believe that. I am not referring to any one individual. I am talking about any large group of them. That doesn't make them all bad or whatever. It's just that some "thing" happens when there are a lot of them in one place.

  17. For someone who supposedly spent her whole life seeking equality, she doesn't seem to understand an all-Black party will only deepen the divide even further. Smart?

  18. Poster of insanity = Maxine Waters


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