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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

North Korea Fires Missile Over Northern Japan

North Korea fired a missile that flew over Japan and landed in waters off the northern region of Hokkaido early on Tuesday, South Korean and Japanese officials said, marking a sharp escalation of tensions on the Korean peninsula.

The test, which experts said appeared to have been an intermediate-range Hwasong 12 missile, came as U.S. and South Korean forces conduct annual military drills on the peninsula, against which North Korea strenuously objects.

Earlier this month, North Korea threatened to fire missiles into the sea near the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam after U.S. President Donald Trump warned Pyongyang would face "fire and fury" if it threatened the United States.



  1. Trying their best to coordinate another unnecessary war.

  2. Should Be >> AN ACT OF WAR Violating Japan Airspace !!!!

  3. NK Pressing their Luck as far as they can go !!!
    What's the difference of Firing Missile at Japan or firing
    one at Guam .........??? They calling Trump's Bluff !!!

    Yet No Action .....they are used to it !!!

  4. Time to start Shooting Every Missile down NK fires off !!!
    Then they will get tired of waisting $$ on them and quit !!

  5. >>why do you use these <<< so recklessly>>>

  6. Why does Japan put up with it ?? They should shoot it down

  7. NK won't stop until we (USA) Inialate them

    History Lesson WW2 .....Has to be done ...you cannot
    reason with the Devil ....was already tried with Hitler
    He just laughed .........
    SO USA had better get ready to do it , Before it's too late

    Truman Owns this problem today , should have listened to
    General McArthur !!! You would already have ONE FREE Korea ... Many of our men Died to take the North Then ....
    and it was Wrongly GIVEN BACK !!!!


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