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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Multiple Break Ins In Salisbury


  1. Why would you leave something so valuable in your vehicle? Why wasn't it backed up? Sorry it was stolen and I hope they catch the idiots doing it but...

  2. The theafts are getting bad in sleepy hollow. Arm the crime watch volunteers

  3. You don't have that information backed up somewhere?

  4. wait a minute. Who leaves at laptop in the car? Sounds like someone just asking for problems! If you haven't learned by now, you probably never will.

  5. Time to kick some ass .....better Not break in wrong one !!

  6. Why would anyone leave anything valuable in their vehicle.....GEEEEZ

  7. I know neighbors who are sleeping in car waiting with a baseball bat

  8. The best advice is to lock your houses and vehicles at all times, these are not the same nice neighborhoods that they used to be and you have to be on alert at all times.

  9. Section 8 right down the road shocker !

  10. I never leave anything in my car I would want stolen. And always leave car unlocked (if they want in they will break windows) People are stupid to leave anything of value in the car.

  11. Why is it automatically the victim's fault if something is stolen?? All of you calling the victim "Dumb" and "stupid" for leaving a laptop in their vehicle or not backing it up are part of the problem. YOU just made it 'ok' for a criminal to steal something because of a victim's neglect.

    How about you focus on a different aspect of this situation. Like why has it taken a whole WEEK for me to see that there was a string of 23 vehicle break-ins in Salisbury? Part of preventing crime is awareness and the City of Salisbury is failing to publicly notify citizens of situations like this. Jake Day doesn't want it to get out that we have crime issues in this City and because of that, crime is WORSE! Had the community known of the break-ins then maybe their awareness would have reduced that number from 23 to 3 or something much less. Acknowledging that there is a problem WILL help solve the problem, but when criminals know that they can get aware with more then they will. The police can't be everywhere and community policing is often time far more effective, but Jake Day won't have it. We don't have crime in Salisbury...because Jake says so...

    1. Have you lost your mind???? If you leave valuables of any description in an unlocked car and live in ANY City it will get stolen....so to answer your question yes PEOPLE ARE STUPID to leave items of value in car!

  12. Anonymous said...
    wait a minute. Who leaves at laptop in the car? Sounds like someone just asking for problems! If you haven't learned by now, you probably never will.

    August 3, 2017 at 7:18 PM

    My car is in my driveway on my property and it should be safe. These break ins are happening on our properties where we should be feeling safe. You dumb morons seem to think it's our mistake for these Fn criminal thugs stealing from us.

    "Why in the world you some dumb idiot leave a laptop in their home??"

  13. Let's see maybe 2-3 miles from booth st projects, even less from waterside and pemberton. Coincidence?? I think not


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