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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Liberals Fooled By Viral Photo Of Obama Serving Houston Victims

If you’re sick of the number of fake images circulating the internet, then you’re on the right page. I have just about had it with people who are dedicated to spreading misinformation for their own amusement, or to push their agenda.

The most recent image has to do with former-President Barack Obama and Hurricane Harvey’s devastating impact on Texas.

A picture that went viral purports to show Obama and his family serving the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas. It was originally posted with the caption “something you’ll never see trump do: Obama is in Texas serving meals!”

Well as good as it would be to see the former President helping those who are enduring one of the worst times of their life, it turns out it wasn’t exactly authentic.

Sure, the event actually took place, but it was of the Obama family serving Thanksgiving dinner to homeless people in 2015.



  1. Figures; the liberal left MSM is so desperate. Sad they have to resort to "fake news".

  2. I don't see any WHITE people being served .....Figures !!!

  3. More Demon-crat PROPAGANDA !! All for the cameras !!!

  4. Ironic that Obama is rationing the gravy while he gave away everything else without measure.

  5. White folks / you are on your own !!! Nothing Coming


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