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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Jamie Dykes To Announce She'll Be Running For Wicomico County States Attorney Today 8-11-17

I am excited to make an announcement tomorrow, Friday, August 11, at noon outside the Wicomico County Circuit Court.


  1. She can put me in handcuffs any day!

  2. I think that is great. She will make a great States Attorney. Best of luck.

  3. Change is good and NEEDED!

  4. Great news! Shes a wonderful Attorney!

  5. What's Ella Disharoon's plans?? Is she not running.....or is this competition??

  6. 837 - AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. A bunch of lazy and nervous government attorneys are hoping she does not win!

  8. I will vote for her the current States Attorney does not answer e-mails, calls or questions, and major crime problems in this city, and why we do not have what he promised and did not do. When we had the murder of the little girl a few years back done by Charles Leggs he said he was going to demand the death sentence. We still do not have the death sentence. We also no longer have the rule about child sex offenders being so many feet from Schools, Churches or recreational areas specific to children. What he stood for when running is not what he has done--time to go!

    1. 1:02.... um he has not been States Attorney for over a year. Clearly you don't pay attention.

    2. And the former Gov O'Mally got rid of the death penalty. Ella Disharoon is current SA and she is running to retain the position.

    3. Here's another: it's not Charles Leggs, it's Thomas Leggs. Also, that was 2 States Attorneys ago! Not this one... and not the one before it...but the one before that.

  9. I will support Ms. Dykes! The current State's Attorney, Disharoon, is a good litigator but a failure at management, the primary focus of that job. Change is good and needed.

  10. Hubba Hubba.

  11. Any relation to Coulburn Dykes, ex police chief of Salisbury, ousted by Barrie Parsons years ago?

  12. Marred to his son

  13. Ask if she would've seeked charges against the two black girls at SU that drew the hangman? If she would have, then she is the one we need!

  14. If she's as nice as her twin, she's got
    my vote!!

  15. 1:02 i think you may be talking about Davis Ruark. He has been out of the DA office here since 2011 and is New Mexico. Davis was the DA when TJ Leggs killed Sarah Foxwell and that was in 2009. I guess you don't pay much attention. After Ruark lost to Seth Mitchell in the primary that year, it went to Matt Maciarello beating Seth Mitchell in the general. a year ago Gov Hogan appointed Matt Maciarello as judge and Ella Dishroon was appointed District Attorney for Wico. So now you have gotten up to speed on things.

    1. And Matt Maciarello is now running to retain his judgeship.

  16. This is the right person for the job,,,believe it

  17. 8:22 its "State's Attorney for Wicomico County" - not "District Attorney". Now YOU are "up to speed on things" (lol - I am just messing with you)

  18. She is amazing so full of passion I think she will do well Yes Ella is acting and I can not say anything bad about her but I have reached out to both women and Jamie has been the most receptive to critizism and acknowleging the crime in the city basically calling Jake out today for ignore it and the gang issues. Godspeed Jamie you got one vote here!

  19. Need a SA that recognizes real violent crime is out of control, and focuses there mot municipal infractions and speeding tickets
    Maybe she is the one to call out Mayor and get CE to do the same.

  20. She is unethical. She is not manager material. I hope she has competition with someone who is ethical and whom is really focused on the community. I have a feeling community and ethical prosecution is not on the top of Dyke's list. Social status and competition is her priority.


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