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Friday, August 18, 2017

Horowitz: The Real Race War

The tragedy in Charlottesville could have been an occasion to stop and consider how the tolerance for politically correct violence and politically correct hatred is leading the nation towards civil war. Instead, the media and the political left have turned this incident into the biggest fake news story of the summer, transforming its real lessons into a morality play that justifies war against the political right, and against white people generally.

The organizers of the “Unite the Right” demonstration in Charlottesville were repellent racists. But they came to defend a historic monument honoring a complex man and cause, and not to attack it or presumably anyone else. They applied for a permit and were denied.They re-applied successfully in a petition supported by the local ACLU. If they had come to precipitate violence, why would they have gone to the tedious trouble of applying for a permit? Who knows what – if anything – would have happened if that had been the end of the story and no one had shown up to oppose them.

What “Unite the Right” actually demonstrated was that the assortment of neo-Nazis, pro-Confederates, and assorted yahoos gathered under the banner of the “Alt-Right” is actually a negligible group. This was a national show of strength that actually attracted a couple hundred people. Compare that to the tens of the thousands who can readily be marshaled by two violent groups of the left – Black Lives Matter and Antifa – and you get an idea of how marginal “white supremacists” are to America’s political and cultural life.



  1. Conservatives:"Colin Kapernick shouldn't protest"

    Also Conservatives: "those Nazi's had a permit"

  2. Yep. I said the same as soon as this happened. You would have thought Virginia just seceded from the union, the way the media covered this crap.
    If no one knew bout the protest, maybe the young lady would not have been there and gotten run over by the roidraged lunatic
    Just ignore them next time!!

  3. kapernick has every right to protest. so do the kkk and nazi idiots. that's America. remember free speech. protest to your heart's content. if owners don't want to hire him it's their right. football is a business. personally I think that any team that hires him will lose a lot more fans than the team that hires him will gain. season ticket sales would change drastically.

  4. You know everyone should just get DNA tested. I did. Guess what you might find out you are not what you think you are AND you are closer related to complete strangers than you imagine and that cultural, religious and conceptual political divides separate us more than flesh color and our ingrained self preservative narcissism. Even if you believe in the " Garden" and Adam and Eve chances are it was in Africa and they were black and if you believe that Adam and Eve were white .....guess what they were Jews first.....the Christian God is a Jewish Construct and the same god of the Muslims just with different prophets and martyr's. Beliefs don't change the fact that we all come from the same primordial mud. Creeped clawed and clung to the top of the food chain and it has been an altruistic and tolerant adventure or none of us would be here now. So pride, assumed privilege of race belief and creedenence does not make anyone special or right. We will all end up dust.


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