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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Democrats Demand No-Strings Amnesty

Top Democrats are dismissing a proposed amnesty deal from President Donald Trump’s globalist aides, which would trade citizenship for at least 800,000 ‘DACA’ illegals — plus their parents and immediate relatives — in exchange for some package of real or symbolic immigration-related benefits.

The Democrats’ leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, refused to even consider offering any benefits to Americans in exchange for the permanent amnesty of the 800,000 younger illegals who are now getting work-permits via former President Barack Obama’s “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals amnesty, which was first announced in the run-up to the 2012 election.

Dreamers are not a bargaining chip for the border wall and inhumane deportation force. Period. https://t.co/XZskvADFyJ

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) August 22, 2017

Schumer is a strong supporter of amnesty and pushed hard for passage of the 2013 “Comprehensive Immigration reform” amnesty-and-cheap-labor bill, which was also backed by the nation’s business sector.



  1. Lock up these two SHHHHHT heads Finally Please !!!!

  2. 2 criminals together in pic !!!

  3. Two Term Limits to get RID of these idiots !!!!

  4. Most of these "dreamers" came here as teenagers and preteens, not toddlers. Send them back to come in the right way!

  5. The only reason they want illegals to have amnesty is so they can vote for them. they lost so many democrats in the last election, they are desperate to refill those roles.
    And what's the best way to get people to vote for you??? Give them something free... like phones, welfare, housing, etc.
    The democrats have been using identity/race politics for years against the right... it's time we stepped up our game and fight back. Donald did a great job starting it the other night in Phoenix.

  6. Is there anyway there could be a scare alert or whatever before rolling up on some of these photos? I am a grown man and this pair makes me jump out of my skin. The thing in back wearing pink is....what did the failed candidate call President Trump?...a creep. Well I wish the democrat creeps would back off. You don't have to go home, but please stay out of public view.

  7. Still waiting for Pelosi to be Investigated for her
    ILLEGAL use of Private (expensive) jets when she was
    supposed to be using Govt jets or public jets on her
    excursions (trips) ...... (all in the News)
    She , like Clinton Never gets held ACCOUNTABLE !!!!

  8. I bet there is plenty of DIRT on Shumer as well !!!!
    Time to take a look at him too.........

  9. It's time to take up arms

  10. "Hell No" These are the main participants in these riots and vote Democrat.

  11. Unfortunately, the pieces of crap in Congress...also known as Republicans.... are going to bend over backward to make sure Schumer's DEMANDS are met.

    If it were me in charge, he would be told to shut up, sit down and enjoy the ride while I drive. If you are in the United States illegally or as a dreamer schemer or whatever, you will be leaving one way or the other. You have taken advantage of the United States long enough.

  12. Nancy's looking a little rough in this photo.

  13. Not in a position to make any demands.

  14. They be gone soon ..........getting OLD ....can't escape
    that ...........!!!!


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