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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cardin: 'Monuments Should Represent Contemporary Needs of Our Society'

Confederate monuments alone do not teach Americans our history and removing them does not change the past, Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., said Sunday.

"The president's gotten this all wrong as to what we're trying to do," Cardin told "Fox News Sunday." "We're not changing history. We want to learn from history. There's no question about that. That's an important aspect."

President Donald Trump has warned this week about the slippery slope of taking down American monuments, but Cardin maintained it is not something we should worry about because of ties to slavery.

"You don't need a monument to learn history," Cardin told host Bill Hemmer. "Monuments are put up for different purposes. Some are more modern than others."



  1. So Cardin we should close all the African American monuments. Martin Luther King would be ashamed by all you liberal snowflakes.

  2. UGRR needs to go too!

  3. Ben, you don't represent the contemporary needs of our society either! you have to go with the historical monuments too!


  4. Ben Cardin - A monument to the stupidity of Maryland voters across the decades. No statue warranted when he absentmindedly wanders from the stage.

  5. Again just go away Ben

  6. What a pandering simpleton.

  7. Dec of Ind & Constitution & Bill of Rights will be next to go.

  8. Doesn't Annapolis have any assisted living homes available for this poor fellow. He shouldn't have to make any decisions on his own, especially for us.

  9. Removing these statues has nothing to do with slavery or the Confederacy. It's all about Black Power.

    Hasn't anyone noticed that the African Americans are in their hay day right now. We gave them an inch and now they want 100 miles. They are going to do the best that they can do to get the Black Power especially when you weak a$$ white people keep sitting on your butts letting them.

    Look at RINO Hogan and now Ben Cardin and John Delaney have to stick their noses into it. You know damn well the media is hounding them to comment on the Confederate statues.

    Look at Larry Hogan, he may lose this next election because of what he has done with Judge Taney's statue. Blacks aren't going to vote for him anyway. The majority of Democrats aren't going to vote for him anyway. Now he has pissed off a lot of Republicans so he is Toast! Look what happened to One Term Bob Erhlich and he was a good Governor and the Repubicans turned on him. Hogan got lucky during that Republican Tsunami and I seriously doubt he will get lucky again.

  10. hmmmm. Interesting. The left is destroying all the Monuments of Dems. After all these historic people were actually DEMS...lollollol.

  11. Let's take down the monuments of Harriet Tubman. It might remind them of being slaves. She broke the law by doing what she did. So since Cardin thinks monuments should be about contemporary needs all her statues need to go.

  12. Cardin needs a guardian appointed by the court system. He probably is just reading something one of his half wit 20 something staffer wrote.

  13. Out of sight, out of mind. Catdin's an idiot.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Removing these statues has nothing to do with slavery or the Confederacy. It's all about Black Power.

    Funny, most of the videos I have seen it has been mostly white people tearing down statues, with a few blacks here and there. Blacks are just as guilty but usually, I see white "kids" throwing a strap around a statues neck and someone else pulling it down with a vehicle. They look excited and happy too. I bet that's because they got a chance to climb out of their parent's basement and get some sunshine with their loser friends.

    And BTW, whatever happened to that fight training they started? Haymaker something? I forget the name but it was just as silly as all of the crap they do. They are not much of a threat to anyone unless they outnumber them 10 to 1. Hmm, that sounds like another group I could mention, but won't.

    If nothing else, all this nonsense could be a teachable moment. This is what happens when parents don't discipline and correct their children. I don't mean with a "timeout" or taking their favorite toys. A good old-fashioned trip to the woodshed would solve all of this.

    Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid. Then add in spoiled brats who have never felt the sting of a belt or the slap of a paddle and you have this cluster.

    These fools and the politicians who support them are another embarrassment to this country and to any sense of fair play.

  15. WHY should the wishes of a few take precedent over the MAJORITY of Americans?


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