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Sunday, August 20, 2017

BREAKING: Shooting In Salisbury....UPDATED to Homicide Investigation 8-14-17

Joe Salisbury EMS just got dispatched with a shooting at 809 Gettysburg Ave.

A fire truck, paramedic unit and Assistant Chief 1 is responding.

Assistant Chief O'Barski just requested a second fire engine and a second medic unit.

Two fire trucks, 2 paramedic ambulances and an assistant chief. How many more people do you need for 1 person who got shot??

Assistant Chief 1 just told Central to advise PRMC of 1 Priority 1, nonbreathing patient being transported to PRMC with multiple gunshot wounds.


  1. Jake day I absolutely love the fact that you're not even getting the opportunity to lie and hide this constant violence any longer

  2. Why so negative 10:00 pm? Probably one of the most dangerous calls anyone could be on. I'd ask for additional firefighters as well. If your house would have caught fire during that time you'd of been taken care of.

    1. Because he is on the outside looking in...waiting for some territory.

    2. Scary enough I think you hit the nail on the head. Get those property values REAL LOW so Gillis Gilkerson can finish gobbling them up on the cheap.

  3. did they call for the fire boat?

  4. Salisbury needs the National guard.

  5. Makes no difference how many fire engines or ambulances it's what's needed to handle the incident period. When resources are called for they are sent, if not needed they can be returned. Maybe just maybe there were reports of a 2nd shooting victim until things were sorted out. Arm chair people kill me gez.

  6. The engine may have volunteers on it who are not medical trained do that may be why additional pieces were requested. If you really want to know why call the AC phone and ask him directly.

  7. This really happened. I heard it myself. O'Barski was crying on the radio that someone was following him and told Central to report it to the police. Then he said oops, they just turned off. Then I heard him say now they are in front of me driving at a high rate of speed and might be going to the scene.

    Sounds to me like they outsmarted O'Barski and took a shortcut. Wah, Wah, Wah. 😢😢😢😢😢😢

  8. All these comments and not one pertaining to what happened SMH...😱😱😱

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury needs the National guard.

    August 14, 2017 at 10:38 PM

    they have a unit in smallsbury and some of their members serve as LEO's. But I wouldn't give you a wooden nickel for most of those weekend warriors.

  10. One police officer came up on the seen by himself no back. I think t hats scary to come up on no help and multiply shoots fire one man on the ground with no back up.Scary to watch.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Why so negative 10:00 pm? Probably one of the most dangerous calls anyone could be on. I'd ask for additional firefighters as well. If your house would have caught fire during that time you'd of been taken care of.

    August 14, 2017 at 10:29 PM

    1) I'm not 10 PM and don't even see a 10 PM. You would call for more firemen because it is "one of the most dangerous calls anyone could be on?"

    Have you ever heard of the police department?? They are the ones that PROTECT and SERVE! It is their job to control dangerous scenes why preserving the scene do prevent you dumb a$$ from trampling all over the evidence. Paid fireman are not needed!!

    2) "If your house would have caught fire during that time you'd of been taken care of."

    Um, wrong answer again. During this call there was an automatic fire alarm in Station 1's first due at an apartment complex. Did them idiots at Wicomico Central forget that you guys and Hoppes rant the volunteers away and there are NONE that are around to run calls.

    Thank God Hoppes was wasting tax dollars and staffing Station #2 with paid firemen to cover that call. Thank God there wasn't a real fire at that apartment complex because there is NO ONE coming back to take any calls or to assist in any fires in the Salisbury Fire District.

    Oh yeah, Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Muir Boda, Jack Heath, Rick Hoppes, John Cannon, Joe Holloway, and former fire chief Bill Higgins is working overtime to make sure that the Station 1 Volunteers Original do not get to respond on any calls even though they have the equipment and the training.

  12. Anonymous said...
    did they call for the fire boat?

    August 14, 2017 at 10:34 PM

    Yes, but no one was there to respond. Fat A$$ Rick Hoppes was too lazy to get out of his bed for these night calls. What a waste of good oxygen.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Makes no difference how many fire engines or ambulances it's what's needed to handle the incident period. When resources are called for they are sent, if not needed they can be returned. Maybe just maybe there were reports of a 2nd shooting victim until things were sorted out. Arm chair people kill me gez.

    August 14, 2017 at 10:47 PM

    It sounds like you are doing some F'g Arm Chairing yourself you dump paid rookie.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The engine may have volunteers on it who are not medical trained do that may be why additional pieces were requested. If you really want to know why call the AC phone and ask him directly.

    August 14, 2017 at 11:02 PM

    Trust me this isn't Powellville. Salisbury's volunteers do not ride unless they do have "medical training."

    So please tell us what "medical training" do firemen that is so special that the highly trained paramedic doesn't have on the ambulance? I'm waiting!

    Here's what you do for a shooting patient. You immediately open and maintain the airway for effective breathing, apply spinal immobilization, control bleeding and all this is done during transport. Apply oxygen and monitor the rhythm on the heart monitor. It only needs one paramedic to do that. So tell me again why two fire engines, two medic units and a paid assistant fire chief is needed for 1(ONE) patient??

    1. You also need two IV lines and possibly chest decompression (trauma arrest). Obviously you aren't a Paramedic or even an EMT for that matter. Would you expect one doctor with no help standing by in the ED awaiting your arrival? If you are clueless, you have no business second guessing the professional men and women protecting our community. And by professional, im not excluding our many professional volunteers who searve.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury needs the National guard.

    August 14, 2017 at 10:38 PM

    Yes they do, but there is no crime in Salisbury, right Jake? Right Jimmy. There is no crime in Salisbury, but this was the 3rd shooting in 2 days in this area. 2 Dead and one circling the drain.

    1. They font report Salisbury news because of Salisbury state people wouldn't send their children here if they knew how bad it really is! It's a money thing!

  16. I was going to add that tweet from the SPD finally admitting there is a homicide in da Ghetto'bury.

  17. Mayor Jake Day Retweeted(a story about himself)
    Salisbury, MD‏ @CityofSBY 12h12 hours

    Maryland's Best Drinking Water!: http://youtu.be/eUtJLV8DCc0?a via @YouTube


    Well I have to admit it, but my drinking water must not be the best drinking water. I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but I have to scrub my toilets every single week with bleach. I even started putting those Toilet Discs in there now think that would help clean that scum off my toilet. After cleaning and scrubbing the toilet it gets a brown film on the entire bowl from the water line down. I will be submitting a picture to SBYNews. I have to keep a watch on it also because there usually ends up with a black ring around the water line. I have been in numerous bathrooms and saw that black ring on those toilets. If it's leaving stains on your toilet can you imagine what it's doing to your stomach.

    1. As many shootings as there are I'm surprised the lead hasn't contaminated the ground water.

  18. Anonymous said...
    All these comments and not one pertaining to what happened SMH...😱😱😱

    August 14, 2017 at 11:41 PM

    And your point? Please elaborate!

  19. Anonymous said...
    Jake day I absolutely love the fact that you're not even getting the opportunity to lie and hide this constant violence any longer

    August 14, 2017 at 10:19 PM

    Did you notice he was nowhere to be found after the Double killing at Denny's. Never said a thing, never tweeted or retweeted anything.

    But he tweeted/retweeted over 50 times when "Salisbury" was getting all there thoughts and prays tweets from everyone. He was sucking up on that attention. By the way how much of that Tornado was in the City Limits? I know he took all the credit and attention for it. What a TOOL!

  20. Anonymous said...
    Because he is on the outside looking in...waiting for some territory.

    August 14, 2017 at 11:27 PM


  21. Anonymous said...
    One police officer came up on the seen by himself no back. I think t hats scary to come up on no help and multiply shoots fire one man on the ground with no back up.Scary to watch.

    August 15, 2017 at 12:27 AM

    WTF did you just say!!

    Man you paid farmin get dumber all the time.

  22. We need more cops and less firemen.

  23. How is the MAYOR a supposed leader of this city trying to get away with saying crime is down, no gangs, frog overdoses, people are dying seems like at least weekly murders. The citizensneed to hold him accountable, send emails call his office respond to his social mmm media posts. Demand answers

  24. When's the candlelight vigil and the balloon release? That will really curb this exponential spike in murders. Also those chain link fences. I'm thinking they really need to go.

  25. Jake you know what needs to be done to start fixing the problem. Get rid of her. Wake up.

  26. Yep Welcome to Salisbury a city of weekly murders. Unless and until this violent crime spree is stopped at this early stage, murders will without fail become a daily occurrence.
    Being complacent and ignoring as does the spineless mayor does is what has ruined the inner cities.
    What it is is Day is just like all democrats. Blacks killing blacks means nothing to them. Blacks aren't human in their eyes. They are just votes. It's unfortunate that blacks can't seem to grasp this truth. If a white college girl were to get murdered by one of the local thugs you would see outrage like you have never seen before from local officials. But so long as it's blacks killing blacks it is completely ignored so as not to offend the black voter base with the real cause of the violence in black communities and that is the break down of the black family.

    1. That sounds good but dont come on here like it isnt whites killing whites just Saturday one attemped to kill a family and for what? The dead body recent ly found in fruitland. & ones we havent heard about. White lives matter too, but people like you want to focus on blacks to sweep dirt over whats happening across the board like there isnt some some apparent break down happening in white families. Why are young white boys from apparently good families turning into domestic terrorists? ,instead of you focusing on one race try broadening your horizon s to help a problem affect ing every community. I bet right now people living in that street are no more afraid of a black knocking on their door as a white. Guess you miss the special bulletin alert on the young man thwarted in attempting to pull a Timothy McVeigh.

  27. Shiloh and Hemlock streets...section 8 breeds killers

    1. Me myself im more afraid of the dusted heroin addicts I see zombie walking the streets and hanging at the area stores

    2. I agree see these zombies everywhere I go in Salisbury and news flash people this people on heroin are in most cases white and that's a fact! And I am white so I'm speaking of my own race get a grip people the struggle is really town is in trouble

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When's the candlelight vigil and the balloon release? That will really curb this exponential spike in murders. Also those chain link fences. I'm thinking they really need to go.

    August 15, 2017 at 6:46 AM

    Or better yet look for some Confederate Monuments to destroy like the idiots in Baltimore, Charlottesville, Durham, NC and all over the South. That will really stop the murders in these cities.

  29. That's what Jake is all about. Don't make any changes to piss off any voters that he seems will get him reelected. You need to wake up Jake Day and make the changes and don't let this city become Baltimore.

  30. Here is what you city and county leaders need to pay attention too so listen up !
    There are law enforcement like me who are to close to retirement to leave so we have to stay a few more years for our pension sake. These new guys and gals, they are NOT going to continue working in this area protecting and serving while not seeing there leaders do anything to change the downward spiral salisbury is on. As for my wife and I, we are currently in the market for a property in Worchester. It is sad, I have so many good memories as a boy of salisbury. My leaders have allowed this once a great place to be destroyed!!! It sickens me.

  31. 8:47 you are way off base. Of course whites are committing crimes but the fact is the majority is committed by blacks. Also many whites aren't lying and saying white lives matter like blacks do about about black lives. To blacks lives ONLY matter when it's racial and they prove this day in and day out and if they think they are fooling anyone then they are dumber then a box of rocks. Their children are only valuable to them for welfare. After they get old they let the streets get them.


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