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Sunday, August 20, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Shooting Last Night On Gettysburg In Salisbury

Sorry, these are the only pics I have after the shooting. Heard five gun shots total. Thanks Jake, I guess I'll start to take my chain link fence down tomorrow. That'll make me and my kids safe.


  1. Chain link lives matter

  2. Yeah I'm really thinking Day was on to something when he thought to ban chain link fences. It has to be them since the "rebranding" doesn't seem to have helped the massive crime problem in Salisbury.

  3. Do you worthless keyboard jockeys ever know how to do anything but blame others for stuff that's not their fault?

    So boring.

    1. Forcing a person to remove chain link fence is racist. Jake has been brought up thinking chain link fence are trash and that is sad. I can't afford the 10k dollar fence.

    2. What are you doing to deter crime in da'bury??

  4. No one's going to get over the chain link fence thing. With the incredible amount of violence in Sby something like that should be low on the list of priorities. He won't live that one down. It was just another asinine idea of Day's following a long list of asinine ideas. If people want to live with those kind of restrictions they can buy in a subdivision of those track house type neighborhoods.

  5. Oh my Lord get over it....the chain link fence ordinance FAILED LAST WEEK.....stop your whining!

  6. Yeah, that chain link could cause a ricochet and hurt somebody! And those slats in it make aiming more difficult.

    I think it's time for our boy mayor to change his priorities because "it's happening" way too often in this city!

  7. Just another part of the hood , found in all cities , this is populated with mostly blacks and hispanics . Whites can't even walk down the streets , the animals of da bury.

  8. QUESTION? WHY are the State Police taking over investigation Mrs. Duncan? Dont you have a CID? Dykes may use their help, but he would not turn over investigation. Get some balls, get some good detectives, do your own work. Maybe then, you can start to decrease the problem.

  9. Jake you know what needs to be done to start fixing the problem. Get rid of her. Wake up.

  10. Local government cannot protect you...You need to do it yourself.

  11. 7:22
    Jake did someone hurt the lil boys feelings?

  12. Hey I have an idea. Lets do like Baltimore City did and have a 72 hour "No Shot" or "No Homicide" campaign. It may be the only "campaign" Jake may win

  13. 7:22 AM what are you doing here if we bore you? Explain to me how some of this ISNT his fault.

    I bet you are one of his clueless worshipers living a bubble, void of all reality of what is truly occurring in this community.

  14. Actually the murder rate is the mayors fault.
    To busy not addressing crime and hiring cronies and yes men. And pretending how great the city is. We need a new chief and better policing period.

  15. Animals pure and simple animals! It really sucks being in the position my wife and I are in. We live in this county and our kids go to school here. We are currently trying to figure out how we can get our kids into private school or just move all together. So thanks animals as if I don't give you enough money already your getting ready to cost my family even more money!

  16. The Mayor's chain link fence episode is a symptom of his ongoing problem - that is why it keeps getting referenced. If you don't understand that, go back and research some of his statements on crime and other truly serious issues. The guy is clueless!


    Big tooth smile Jakey!

  18. Can we get the firemen sworn in immediately? At least require them to have a crash course in Aux Vol Crime Watch or something. It appears we have more fire trucks on the crime scenes than police units. Maybe I'm wrong because I can't tell if this place is blazing or if it is just the blinding emergency lights.

    1. Maybe they were lighting the crime scene for the police.

  19. C rime
    I n
    D abury.

  20. only is Salisbury had good leaders inside the police dept, then crime would go down

  21. Salisbury's rating in the top 100 dangerous cities in the country climbs higher each year. Looks like we want to move up the ladder again.

  22. Salisbury tourism is missing an opportunity. They need a bullet proof glass tourism bus they can bring in tourists to watch the gun fights in the hood like a safari.

  23. I think Jakey's keyboard jockeys are all over your post here Joe!

    They are kind of like the 6th graders that were 'hall monitors' in elementary school....but I assume they are being paid by taxpayers?

    Same as those dumba$$ goons...maybe he bought them orange vests too?

  24. Jake...SPD isn't doing any proactive work anymore because of dummy Dunkin and a$$ Kolb. Why do you think your violent crime is going up? Because cops are just going to call to clean up the mess not solve the problem and violence

  25. Damn our ambulance looks good!

  26. NOPE won't ever get over the sheer ignorance of Day and his misfits. Experience is the best teacher for their low IQ type. They can live the the daily dose of public humiliation over their idiotic ideas.

  27. A Rock Garden, that'll make things better! I've got money riding on how long it takes for one of those rocks to end up through a window - less than 30 days!

  28. "Anonymous said...

    What are you doing to deter crime in da'bury??

    August 15, 2017 at 9:09 AM"

    What are you some kind of moron or something. Must be. It's not up to us law biding citizens to do something. It's up to the government to target the crime areas and see what's in common and speak out publicly and loud and clear. Then it's up to the community to take action.
    The problem is real simple. Baby machines making babies with multiple thug criminals. Almost always it's the same story with both the murderer and the victim. Unemployed hoe momma collecting welfare with multiple 1/2 siblings. Father a thug criminal. Poor school record, etc.

  29. All courtesy of your Public education system that raping you of your taxes.

  30. 7:30- The fence issue remains relevant because it was an utter waste of time and an example of the crap this administration is focusing their efforts on instead of REAL, tangible problems! Worrying about vinyl fences and painted rocks and hippie folk festivals and new, designing cool logos while SEVEN people have been murdered here recently. That, my dear Fake Day cronie, is what makes it still relevant!!!

  31. Salisbury fire dept request back up to watch there backs from the other engine why . Why wouldn't they request more officers. Why would you put the whole duty crew fleet endanger sounds stupid . That's a police matter. Glad it wasn't my shift that made a sorry call like that.

  32. Jake just doing what the MSM is doing,thwarting the real issues to nonsense issues.

  33. 9:42 You just described the white trash that live in the trailer park down the road from our farm.

  34. Was that General Lee and the Confederates ??? Gettysburg

  35. Must have been Pickett's charge !!!!


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