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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Breaking News: President Trump said North Korea would be "met with fire and fury like the world has never seen" if it continues to threaten the U.S.

“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States,” Mr. Trump told reporters at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J. “They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very threatening beyond a normal state and as I said they will be met with fire and fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.”

The president’s comments came as North Korea earlier in the day escalated its criticism of the United States, as well as its neighboring allies, by warning that it will mobilize all its resources to take “physical action” in retaliation against the latest round of United Nations sanctions.


  1. The US military is still the world's strongest despite Obama's and liberals' attempts to weaken it. We have always been a force to be reckoned with when it comes to protecting our great Nation and the freedoms we enjoy in our daily lives. If we're attacked, we become stronger by uniting. We shall prevail!

    1. The biggest factor that weakened the military was 10 yrs in the desert chasing a wmd program that didnt exist.

  2. Just realize, Mr. Trump, that it's ONE man and his close henchmen, not the entire population of NK saying this. I doubt that the "masses" there want to hate on the US, they are just prisoners of the regime.

    1. Agreed, sometimes I wish God would just reach down with his index finger and pluck that fat idiot off the face of earth!

  3. 4:55 - Many of the masses are the military that will support him. Don't be naive. If we attack it will be ugly so be prepared. And, of course let us not forget who allowed these morons to get nuclear weapons in the first place - Bill Clinton

    1. In 2015 NK had 16 million civilians and 9 million active military and reserves. So that is still 16 million non military.

    2. Blast there misses while on the ground and WIPE THEM OUT.

  4. 6:43, agreed, but was there any other choice for them? Sweden required military service for all, but the only difference is they were not ruled by a madman, but a defensive government. I'd be willing to bet that if the IL or Kim family were taken out of the picture, the military may be much happier, but yeah, heads will be lost in a conflict either way.

  5. I believe Trump and the US military Will strategically take out North Korea's missle sites and any manufacturing sites for missiles and atomic materials. Not just destroyed but totally annihilated!!

  6. War----Nothing is ever gained, but he's
    dealing with a "madman" there. It's
    either them or us---that's what it
    boils down to.

  7. Wipe them off the map and have One FREE Korea

    as should have been done in the early 50's

    Now we see Gen Mcarthur was Right / Truman was Wrong !!!

    If the Gen had been allowed to finish the job THEN , we
    would not have to go there NOW again !!!!! FACT

    1. Too many coward Presidents in the PAST NOT TRUMP.

  8. Keep the Damn Politicians out of the wars and let the
    Generals Run them and Finish them !!!!!!!
    Keep the Press out of them tooo / they tell enemy everything they need to fight us !!!!!

  9. Always get UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER in all war ends !!!

    Just look at History ..........or don't bother fighting wars

  10. This does not translate well into Korean.

  11. Decades of failed diplomacy ,appeasement and limp wristed policies have failed and put the world at risk now it's time to take out N K.

  12. Trump BLAST EM.....We need a NK WALMART there.


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