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Tuesday, August 08, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Blessing of Combines

Went to the annual Blessing of the Combines in Snow Hill today. Had a fabulous time with family and friends however one thing really bothered me

The affair starts out with a parade of antiques farm equipment, combines, etc.. The parade, naturally, is led by a color guard from the Snow Hill High School JROTC. As the color guard progress down the street 90% of the spectators could not find the energy to get off their butts to stand when the American flag passed by, and an even smaller percentage of men saw fit to remove their caps or salute in any other fashion. I guess old fashioned patriotism or respect for our flag is just not the correct thing to do nowadays.


  1. It's still the correct thing to do, but many today never learned our Nation's history and understand the sacrifices our Founding Fathers made for us to enjoy the freedoms we have today.

  2. Shameful; especially if it was done by the older generation...they know better. As far as the younger generation, if they weren't taught by their parents and grandparents and even Government schools; then they just won't get it. period

  3. Nowadays everyone is more worried about erasing history or taking down statues to pretend it never happened. Let's rewrite history and on top of that not teach kids about how the country started. It might be too offensive.

  4. It's pathetic and disgusting to see
    the lack of respect I've seen towards
    our flag and our Vets.

  5. There's not a minute spent in schools to teach proper flag etiquette.

  6. 830
    The US Government is what is disgusting.
    Learn the truth.

    Many of us have had enough of this government and the flag which stands for its empire building military.

  7. Goodness, do you really think our anti-American educators, or the NEA, are teaching flag etiquette in our schools? Quite the opposite. They are teaching kids that our country is bad. Lack of respect for the flag starts in our schools when the teachers don't even make a student stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, or require a student to learn or recite the words. Then you have the public spectacle of Kapernick (SP?) and all the liberal support for his antics on the very public field of the NFL.

    What you saw is not surprising. The 12:57 comment above is evidence of what I say.


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