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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Al Sharpton Is Shocked At The "Poisonous Atmosphere" In America "Being Stoked By The President"

Al Sharpton, who’s built his career on stoking racial tensions for personal and financial gain, accused President Donald Trump of inciting a “poisonous atmosphere” in the US.

“We’re in a poisonous atmosphere that is being increased by the president of the United States. It’s like turning on the gas in a room.”

"Any match could lead to an explosion, and we’re getting that kind of atmosphere from this president.”

As anyone familiar with Sharpton’s history is probably aware, the hypocrisy inherent in his statement is staggering. Even within the black community, Sharpton has become associated with transforming tragedies into media circuses for personal and financial gain. In 1987, the Reverend famously accused a prosecutor in upstate New York of taking part in the rape of a black teenager. Her story was soon found to be fabricated. One family member of Akai Gurley, a young black man who was shot and killed by police in Brooklyn in 2014, complained that Sharpton swooped in and “put his name on” the situation before discussing it with the family.



  1. Al Sharpton himself speaks with venom.

  2. Al Sharpton is the poison, that owes way too much back tax money to be running his mouth about anyone.

  3. Can we all agree not to give Sharpton and Jesse Jackson any more press please.
    They'd dry up and blow away if they were to lose their celebrity.
    Actual achievements? Zilch.

  4. The Adam Henrys of the world get the headlines because they sell; the more outrageous the better.

  5. How many writers does this schmuck have?

  6. Can't we just scrape this guy off the bottom of our shoe and move on ?

  7. I am offended by this no good turd. He has no relevancy and never has. He should be in a state home with his peeps paying the tab. We will never get the money owed to us for past taxes, so just let the old man crawl back under a rock from wench he came or incarcerate him.

  8. Pay those MILLIONS in back taxes Al. Until then, WE CANNOT HEAR YOU!

  9. Screw him! He makes me sick.

  10. yeah what 3:19 pm said

  11. Same guy that lead a racially charged rally in New York in 1995 that ended up killing 8. Freddie's Fashion Mart Massacre, look it up! He knows all about poison. What a low life gutter rat!

  12. Any STOKING is done by Black Hate Groups and their Demon-crat buddies ..............Not Trump !!

  13. He is the Pot calling the Kettle Black !!!

  14. Sharpton is "Shocked" that we have a REAL President who is

    Not afraid of Him or anyone else , and America is being
    taken Back and made Great Again !!!!

  15. His name is a misnomer. There is nothing "sharp" about him.


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