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Friday, August 25, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Dirt Bikes.........This explanation will scramble your brain

Let me see if I can explain this..... SPD posted the first picture on Facebook. What it is, is a link to a person named Mrod's twitter account that tweeted the video (the same one you posted earlier of the dirt bikes) to the SPD. Rather then just posting a link to the video they shared the retweet from Mrod and posted it on Facebook. However NOW that they have posted it on Facebook it looks like the people in the red Jersey's are wanted. That is not the case, that is the profile picture of the person (Mrod) that tweeted someone else's video to the SPD. In any case the SPD is looking for these people.
Once you click on the link Mrod sent to SPD it takes you to this video  (the one you posted earlier)


  1. It has been a quiet week on Truitt st, they must be keeping a low profile. Not as cocky as they have been in the past. Once the coverage stops then they will be right back out again.

  2. spd? what they got a pizza to deliver to him? this town is a joke from the daily rag to the boy mayor to the idiot chief of police to the morons at the paid fire dept. Wtf is wrong with the people in this area?

  3. lol well, can you id? maybe start looking the Clippers team?


  5. All the cop haters finally got what they want, the streets belong to the criminals now. Just like Baltimore and Chicago. Stop complaining. Le Start your tour of duty with blinders on. See no crimes and go home alive. Soros won folks congrats for helping him.

  6. I have never seen any Caucasian (white-PC) riding in the posse running the streets illegal. Illegal due to running without helmets, registration, no insurance, traffic violations, no lights, etc. to name a few. These offenders are using off-road bikes on the streets paid for by tax payers and registered vehicles. Certainly not anyone pictured.

  7. 9:25 AM WHAT? Are you really blaming the citizens for the cops not doing their jobs? For their lies and lack of transparency?

    I am not cop hater, but when my vehicle was vandalized and I could identify who did it, the cops did nothing and encouraged me to not press charges, even though it cost me $1000 in deductible to get my car repaired. Why was the perp not held accountable? Why was the perp not charged?

    The ONLY reason that the criminals rule ghettobury is because the cops have not done their jobs. And that starts at the top.

    What an ignorant fool.

  8. ghettobury, so aptly named! and why would you listen to an idiot asking you not to press charges? just makes his life easier!

  9. That's Milt Rodriguez, a city cop and lacrosse coach at Bennett. Not sure why they used that photo for a link.

  10. 12:25 Try reading the article, thanks!

  11. 10:22----You're exactly right. Failure at the top of SPD has caused the total failure and lawlessness we are currently seeing throughout the city. I don't understand why Day won't do anything. Any other Mayor in this country would see this issue and remove and replace department heads. And for her to not see the failure and at least try and save this city by stepping away shows me she doesn't care about our community.

  12. 1022 I call b.s. on your comment. For vandalism calls where the suspect is known by the victim, you are referred to the commissioner for charges. If you were too lazy to go apply for your own charges, that's your fault.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    All the cop haters finally got what they want, the streets belong to the criminals now. Just like Baltimore and Chicago. Stop complaining. Le Start your tour of duty with blinders on. See no crimes and go home alive. Soros won folks congrats for helping him.

    August 25, 2017, at 9:25 AM

    oh, will you shut that crap up. so tired of reading that horse crap. You sound just like some of the FF's around here. It's not hate, it's criticism. And if you can't take some criticism you don't need to be a cop or anyone that carries a firearm.

    And if cops cannot do their job, that WE PAY FOR, resign. If it is your superiors causing you not to do your job, report them. To chief, mayor, Joe, newspaper, tv, state police, county, governor, etc.

    Or maybe cops like not doing their job. They find a dark quiet place and sleep, collect their check and go home. I don't believe any one extreme over another. Somewhere in the middle lies the truth.

    If you guys are that scared of being hurt or killed confronting criminals, get you a throwaway and shoot them before they shoot you. I'm sure one or two of you know what I'm talking about and how to accomplish it.

  14. 4:07 PM Sorry but you are wrong and weren't here when it happened. We were repeatedly told by the officer that we really didn't want to press charges and were referred to nobody. It was a dead end. He gave us an incident number for our insurance company and that was the end of it.


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