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Monday, July 17, 2017

Why Republicans Exempted Their Own Insurance From Obamacare Rollback

Senate budget rules are giving opponents of the rollback of the 2010 health care law an easy way to attack Republicans for hypocrisy.
The Senate GOP may not really want to immunize their own member and staff health plans from their health care policy changes, but because they are seeking to bring their bill to the floor under the expedited budget reconciliation process, they have little choice.

Sen. Ted Cruz has already unveiled a fix to nullify the exemption, but that bill would take 60 votes to overcome any filibuster attempts.

“While this exemption was included in the Senate health care bill out of procedural necessity, we must still be diligent in ensuring that Members of Congress are treated just like other Americans under this law,” the Texas Republican said in a statement. “This is an issue of fundamental fairness. Lawmakers are not above the laws that they pass and I believe that it is crucial that Members of Congress abide by the same laws that their own constituents follow.”



  1. yeah right, we will do it later. they cant even get a simple thing like REPEAL it done.

  2. B.S.! Congress and Senate have never come close to subjecting themselves to the sentences they pass for the middle and lower classes

  3. 12:18; then why do we keep electing these fools? Talk is cheap on the campaign trail. They promise blah blah blah but literally have their own interests at heart. They become wealthy from allowed insider trading, they lie with impunity, and yes they think they are above the law. They claim to be our representatives? B.S.!

  4. Someone better remind him of the "Two Sets of Laws" system we have now.
    Never mind. He already knows, but continuing to blow smoke up our dresses makes him feel better...
    Keep cheering.
    (and KNOW that not a single one of them gives a crap about you, you welfare, or your opinion).
    That's part of the Two Sets of Laws philosophy.

  5. Congress never takes back or eliminate any of their benefits. Just like they pass laws that they are exempt. Why do you think they all get richer when elected? That would be like telling Corporations to not pass on debt / higher expense to the consumer. This allows the corporations to keep getting richer while consumers get poorer.

  6. What they think is good enough for the taxpayers footing the bill for health care is good enough for the politicians getting rich off of us! They represent themselves nowadays. Did I hear someone say "term limits?"

  7. 28th amendment to the constitution states that congress shall make no laws that does not apply equally to the Senators, representatives, and congress! So how can they vote not to use Obamacare or any other healthcare they force on the public! They swear to uphold the constitution.

  8. 5:18 nobody as challenged them on the 28th amendment. The Politian has been violating the 28th amendment for decades and nobody or organization has challenged them or filed a lawsuit and let the Supreme Court make a decision. It is a Politian's pocket money

  9. I guess those republicans today that stopped the bill would rather be known for killing this bill than killing Americans. Republicans have put their political party before the American people once again

  10. If they had to abide by the same laws OB care would be fixed in a day.


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