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Monday, July 17, 2017

VA Gov.’s Former Electric Car Company Will Cost Taxpayers Millions – Media Silent

(CNSNews.com) - The state auditor of Mississippi is demanding that Virginia Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe’s former company, GreenTech, repay nearly $6.4 million in public money since the electric vehicle company shut down and failed to deliver on its promises to create new jobs.

The government watchdog group Judicial Watch reports that most mainstream media outlets are ignoring this newsworthy story.

McAuliffe was a co-chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 bid for the presidency and served as the chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) prior to being elected governor of Virginia in 2014.

More here


  1. Arrest this liar! Charge him with fraud.

  2. I see the DEVIL (Clinton) is there with him !!!!!!!

  3. Another CROOKED Virginia Governor !!!!

  4. The Democratic way of life. Go figure. I am just wondering when the heck anybody is going to do something about all this corruption???????

  5. This is how Facist Government works.
    The corporations (elite) get free money from the government and then fail to deliver on promises.

  6. So now his executive order to allow felons to vote makes more sense!

  7. only problem the people voted him in and they will back him 1000%

  8. But of course,he's a globalist and they like them.

  9. Demoncrats have Ruined Virginia !!!

  10. He gave HC the 200,000 criminal votes to win the state. Nice payoff.


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