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Monday, July 03, 2017

White House Endorses Free Market Amendment To Obamacare

“We hope it’s part of the process of bringing everybody together”

A top White House official suggested Sunday that the administration is in favor of an amendment to the Senate health care bill pushed by GOP Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah.

The amendment, known as “Consumer Choice,” allows insurers to sell plans that do not follow regulations created under Obamacare for patients with pre-existing conditions, with the caveat that insurers have to sell at least one plan that adheres to Obamacare’s mandates. The proposal would allow insurers to sell cheaper plans with fewer benefits.

“We hope it’s part of the process of bringing everybody together,” White House legislative affairs director Marc Short said on Fox News Sunday.

Short compared the recent negotiations between hard-line conservative and moderate Republicans in the Senate to the drawn out Obamacare repeal effort in the House, where the same divide threatened to upend the process entirely.



  1. I know that health Yes! Care Obama no take take take money no care health ! They, you know who Sweet ones yes no yes gobble gobnle do question health no

    1. Such a moron

    2. Oh Rebellious Child you know sweet one health

  2. 5:25 the emergency room is open 24/7! You need to go there.

    1. Are You him ? Do you know plans His?.> I heard . Yes. No it is time to hear. They brains. Obama has Destoryed with his Brain initiative

  3. Now that is a brilliant plan.. The free market is the key.

  4. AWESOME idea!!!! Let me go down to my local insurance store and buy what I want! NOT online, NOT a "package", WHAT I WANT!

    Hope that happens again like the old days...

    1. Fossil. Sounds like every other old fogle trying to dwell on the past.

  5. 7:26, if we're allowed to purchase what fits us, how long do you think the Obamaplans will stick around? Will you keep yours?


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