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Monday, July 03, 2017

111 terminally ill people end their lives under California's new right-to-die law

California health officials said 111 terminally ill people have legally ended their lives since the state's right-to-die law took effect in 2016.

The data was part of the first report by the California Department of Health since the End of Life Option Act became effective on June 9, 2016. According to the report, between June 9 and Dec. 31, 2016, 191 people who had six months or fewer to live, received life-ending prescriptions. According to the report, only 111 of them took the pills by the end of the reporting period in December.

The report found that of the 111 who died, 58.6% had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and 18% suffered from neuromuscular disorders like ALS and Parkinsons's.



  1. Every state will enact this, lobbied by the healthcare insurance industry.
    When you become ill, they will ask you to kill yourself so that they do not have to pay for your care.

  2. Every state should have it.

  3. I wonder how long until they make this mandatory at a certain age ?

  4. Send one of these vouchers out to Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, I could go on, but there's not enough column inches in one of these panels. LOL!

  5. You just don't get it when you are so ravaged by disease, in constant pain and no relief in sight, you should have the right to end your own suffering by request. I have seen some bad deaths and frightening experiences it is a mercy to be out of pain and with our Lord.

  6. We need to start in Washington DC with this, clear out the living dead in congress and senate!

  7. 7:42 not sure who you are speaking to. we get it. and so does the insurance industry. and so does the government. eventually all that is pure get tainted. doesnt matter if there is good intent, it will be used against you and for evil. wake up to the bigger picture. you dont need a doctors permission to kill yourself.

  8. Thank God I divorced her. Now, I don't have ti go there!

  9. Did Pelosi and Waters sign up for it?? One can only hope.

  10. Figures California would approve and legalize suicide. We are all God's children and it is up to God to determine our soul's outcome. I understand pain and suffering and I have seen the ravages of cancer. Thank God I am not suffering with any pain but I do believe everything is God's will and those who suffer on earth will enjoy eternal peace and life in a better place.

  11. 9:08 No, it is not Gods will that we suffer.
    If you are ever in enough pain , you
    would want to die, believe me.
    I hope , pray this is an option for all
    Americans !

  12. Americans think they are free.
    We don't even have the right to end our own lives?
    The government must give us this "privilege"?

    How pathetic we live under the jackboot of facist government.


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