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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Trump Criticizes Senate GOP For Not Doing 'Their Job' In Health Care Fight

(WASHINGTON) -- President Donald Trump was critical of Senate Republicans for their work -- or lack thereof -- on health care reform during remarks at the White House on Monday.

"So far Senate Republicans have not done their job in ending the Obamacare nightmare. They now have a chance, however, to hopefully, hopefully fix what has been so badly broken for such a long time. And that is through replacement of a horrible disaster known as Obamacare," Trump said Monday.

"Any senator who votes against starting debate is telling America that you are fine with the Obamacare nightmare, which is what it is," he said while standing in front of a group of Americans the White House referred to as "victims of Obamacare."

"For Senate Republicans, this is their chance to keep their promise," he added



  1. Government has no business at all putting its nose in healthcare coverage. They screw everything up they put their hands on

  2. I'd have to disagree. Obamacare is trash, we shouldn't be replacing trash with trash.

  3. 10:42. I don't know too many Medicare recipients who are dissatisfied with their coverage.

  4. Bob Aswell....Not fooledJuly 25, 2017 at 12:39 PM

    POTUS SHOULD criticize the Republicans. They're sitting on their asses while Rome burns much as Nero. If you realized it the REAL reason nothing is being accomplished is the SAME Republican Bastards who where against TRUMP IN THE ELECTION is causing the logjam in the Congress and the Senate. There, it's SAID.
    I wouldn't blame any of the electorate if they NEVER voted Republican Again because they delivered 100% of the power in D.C. to them and they've pissed it away thru inaction.
    I intend to change my affiliation back to Independent and vote only after researching their credibility and voting record no matter what party or job they hope to be elected. What a bunch of Rubes that have deflated the trust of the American public. Not fooled.... Bob Aswell

  5. TRUMP!

    MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - without the politics!

  6. What's up with the lady behind trump? Hope eyebrows are a pre-existing condition.

  7. And what about the Democrats? Remember the "Blue Dogs"? And why is Trump asking hundreds of politicians to design a health care plan in the first place? It didn't work when Obama did it and it won't work this time! Leave it to insurance companies, doctors, and patients.

    Abolish O'care and let the free market have it back. Limit Tort prize money, allow sales across state lines, and follow the laws on Medicaid and Medicare.

  8. Politicians Never do their jobs > that's what We have to do............ it is { People by the Gov't } Not Gov't
    by the people ........Fact !!!


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