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Sunday, July 09, 2017

Transgender activist: Straight men should ‘work through’ non-attraction to transgender women

Seems it’s not enough for transgenders to merely push for acceptance and force laws to change so they can use bathrooms that correspond to whatever gender they identify with. Hitting deeper, the new push has been to get people to speak transgenders’ preferred pronouns in conversations — or suffer shaming and backlash.

What could possibly be next, you might ask?

Well, one transgender activist insists that straight men who don’t desire transgender women simply have an issue they “should try to work through.”

In other words — according to Zinnia Jones of Orlando, Florida — straight men should be willing to be romantic with biological men who identify as women. And if not, as Jones gets into soon, they ought to be viewed as holding an odd opinion.



  1. No comment needed.

  2. For the life of me, I can't understand why (some) people care who is in the stall next to them while they are taking a crap. Personally, I'd rather be alone and not have to smell his/hers.

  3. Ummm.... no, it's not on my agenda.

  4. .2 percent of the population

  5. Oh boy, here we go...

  6. It needs mental help

  7. Now come on, this is over the top bat sh## crazy. She/he needs to go to California and try out that new law for unassisted ending it all since obviously this person is beyond any help.

  8. Why would you expect me to want another man when I'm a heater male? You wouldn't even enjoy my company, so why do you want to be in my face? You don't make sense.

    Of course, most people with mental disorders don't have sensible thinking skills. I'm guessing you are definitely one after reading your statement.

  9. Okay, I see the picture but still can't tell what it is, even with my new glasses.

  10. Once again liberal ideology attempting to dictate how people think and speak. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.

  11. I think yoi all are missing some wonderful realizations- homosexuals and transgender can't reproduce. This means they are phasing their own selves out! Last laugh is on them!

  12. If that was a woman I wouldn't find it attractive either.

  13. Maybe the trans people need to work on their "issues." Then there would be no issue.


  14. 7:39 was accurate. Mental cases.

  15. That's what happens when government legitimizes mental illness.

  16. Why is the world would I, or any other straight man, want to be romantic with a freak?

  17. Transgender "women" are an insult to real women, and, by extension, to real men.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I think yoi all are missing some wonderful realizations- homosexuals and transgender can't reproduce. This means they are phasing their own selves out! Last laugh is on them!

    July 4, 2017 at 10:29 PM

    They don't reproduce, they just PRODUCE more by indoctrination of straight people. They HAVE to convert others in order to grow their ranks. Its why they have infiltrated the courts (even the Supreme Court), school systems, and scout organizations. It is a coordinated effort by all the non-straight people to grow their population.

  19. Is there a chance that when 'he' was a little boy he took some of his mothers birth control pills? They do contain estrogen. Just a thought.

  20. Its mother should have been on birth control pills!
    It should have worked through its own issues, not force its issues on anyone else.

  21. It reminds me of the saying that goes something like "Be whomever and whatever you want to be --- you just don't get to tell me whether I have to like it or not."
    The great majority of Americans REALLY don't give a F about who you have sex with and really don't have the time to deal with your constant demands for attention/sympathy/acceptance.
    YOU spend so much time telling us how bad it is for men who act, look, and dress like women. No kidding. Strange usually does get attention. And exclusion. It's an evolutionary protection and built into our genetic code.
    WE don't have all that kind of time to tell everyone how sick we are of hearing about those problems. We have our own, like how can we give our "leaders" 25-30% of our paychecks (you know, where you get something for WORKING???) and still pay for people like that to make video's and Tweet their unimaginable misery to us. With grants, too.
    How about a few video's showing parent's getting up at 5 am to work the first of TWO jobs and getting a little upset when their kid gets in trouble or doesn't get straight A's?? Then, a video of 15 years later where their child gets ANOTHER PROMOTION and the parents are fishing on a quiet lake somewhere? No sympathy/acceptance needed, bro.
    Be a damn talking three wing bat with a full beard that only wants to be with red parrots if you want.
    Don't expect everyone to let you perch on their shoulder, however.


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