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Friday, July 28, 2017

"Touring Baltimore's Most Dangerous Neighborhoods, As The City Descends Into Crisis"

This could very easily happen right here in Salisbury Maryland. In fact, at this pace I can almost guarantee this will be the case in the next decade, or so. Thanks to Barrie Tilghman, Jim Ireton and Jake Day.


  1. Bull doze that WHOLE area. Need a republican mayor to work with Hogan.

  2. The election was yours to lose, folks.

  3. No money for the bulldozer.

  4. Parts of Cambridge already look like this on Pine and Washington streets. Where ever democrats rule, but neighborhood and towns go to hell!

  5. Won't be your fault if it doesn't

  6. Parts of Salisbury already look just as bad and many other parts well on their way. Things don't get like that overnight, it's a progression. The man is right about something that it seems those elected and others in Salisbury are too simple minded to understand especially the mayor-a city is built on industry. They think building asinine things like that 'music venue' they got themselves all jazzed up over is going to revitalize. Nope doesn't work that way, never worked that way and will never ever work that way. Now if they only had the brains to figure it all out.

  7. Looks like a lot of John cannons rentals

  8. The driver is lucky the subject didn't lambaste him.

  9. I lived in Baltimore in the very early 60's. Everything was clean and it was safe for anyone to walk the streets at night. The houses were well maintained and our we never worried about locking our cars that were parked in the street.
    But then Pres. Johnson's "Great Society" of 1964 changed everything for the worst and it still eats away at civilized life today.

  10. This will be the "bury" if things keep up the way they are, come drive down the streets that cross Eastern Shore Drive it's here. Boarded up homes, grass that is like 3' tall, abandoned everything on the porches and in the yards. What were actually weeds are trees reaching to 2nd story windows. Maybe the city doesn't recognize weeds from trees. I suggest Fake Jake and the City Council take a slow walk on these streets take pictures maybe you'll remember things come the next meetings. The next time something costing big bucks you jump on the band wagon for think of what YOU ALL HAVE DONE TO THIS CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  11. Bulldoze it and make it farmland.

  12. Ironic but the beginning of this film shows where hundreds of the thugs will end up


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