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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Supreme Court Asked to Review Maryland's Gun Ban

Fairfax, Va.— A group of Maryland citizens, with the support of the National Rifle Association, filed a petition to the United States Supreme Court on Friday seeking to reverse a Court of Appeals ruling that stripped some of America’s most popular rifles of Second Amendment protection. The 4th Circuit ruling in the case Kolbe v. Hogan is a direct contradiction of the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision, District of Columbia v. Heller, which re-affirmed American citizens’ right to self-defense.

“Lower courts have been making up their own rules when it comes to the Second Amendment for too long, and the Kolbe decision crossed yet another line,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action. “The Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. The popular rifles and standard magazines banned in Maryland are some of the best tools for self-defense. We are hopeful that the Supreme Court will reverse this egregious decision.”

In February, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the Second Amendment does not protect the most popular rifles in the country – including AR-15s – as well as all standard capacity detachable magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.



  1. The supreme court should find marylands ban to be legal. Nobody needs assault rifles and large magazines/drums. 2nd ammendment does not apply.

    1. Who are you to say that? The amendment doesn't address need! It's a right fool, to defend against idiots like you with power.

    2. The supreme court should also ban the the ability for uninformed persons to pass judgement on what should be necessary and legal...

      You obviously are only regurgitating the same ignorant mantra that is obviously part of a liberal agenda.

      The firearms that are being banned are in no way shape or form "assault weapons". Please, for the love of whatever deity you may believe in, stop contributing to this falsified belief about firearms.

      The second amendment absolutely does apply in this instance. it is the right for citizens to be able to defend themselves and their families from threats; using methids equal to those that may come against them.

    3. And what part of "shall not be infringed on" do you not understand in the second amendment? Any license, registration or ban is an infringement upon the second amendment, period!

  2. This is good but concealed carry is more important in my opinion. I wish more people and the NRA would put more pressure on Maryland to allow the average person to CC for self defense like 40 other states. Maryland is truly anti gun but even a lot of democrats that I know would like the right to conceal carry. I think there would be a lot of support for this if someone would just start making a big issue out of it.

  3. In the Peoples Republic of Maryland gun ownership and all other rights do not apply.

  4. CC definitely more important!

  5. Those guns are not "banned" if you owned them at the time the law went into effect. You just cannot buy them in MD anymore. There are plenty of loopholes, if you have money and really want to buy one. 10:28 If gang or large group of criminals tries to break into your home, I'd rather have a 30 round mag than a 5-10 round one.

  6. Yes 1045 . Magazine ban has no effect...its not illegal to be in possession,just buy here. No biggie. However freedom to protect our lives does matter..free up concealed carry BS!!

  7. I guess that means they won't be happy when I show them the business end of a .223 with a 30 round clip.
    Anything less is an indicator you are not really serious about personal defense.
    A POLITICIAN thinks HE can incrementally dole out which rights HE approves of to "we, the people"??? Wait 'til they get around to the First Amendment (and they already are knocking THAT door down, too).
    I think he has forgotten his duty and his place.
    A reminder is in order. And that's why so many of us have 30 round clips and 100 round drums --- there are a lot of them (stupid politicians) and we don't have time to keep jacking in 5 rounds at a time. It could take forever to get rid of them that way....
    Keep cheering.

  8. Gun nuts are out today! Git ur hands off mah guns!

  9. The 2 nd amendment was also written as to keep the public armed equally to the military so a military take over of the government was not possible. Libtards make me sick, they want to run to the constitution when it suits them but if it's not in their agenda they only want to go by parts of it they like. It's like being pregnant, either you are or you are not.

  10. A 308 with a 30 Rd mag may save my life better than a 911 call when they kick in the door for a home invasion,,,out here in the country we don't a police officer on every corner...

  11. bring back our rights to carry. Open or concealed! We have a right and duty to protect ourselves and our families! 30 round mags? yes we care but fight our rights to carry!Its Unconstitutional laws!


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