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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Police turn to death statute to charge teens who filmed drowning

The group of teenagers who filmed and mocked a man as he was drowning in a Cocoa pond will face charges after all, police said Friday.

  • Jamel Dunn drowned in a Cocoa pond July 7
  • 5 teens laughed while filming drowning, police say
  • Cocoa Police turned to state death-reporting statute for charges
In a news conference, Cocoa Police Chief Michael Cantaloupe did not describe the charges that will be filed against the five teenagers who recorded and mocked 31-year-old Jamel Dunn as he drowned July 7. But he said that after looking long and hard at Florida law, the teens would face charges for not reporting a death.

He said that there's no law requiring to report to officials that someone is dying. But after someone has died, people are required to contact authorities.



  1. What's the World coming to ?

    Soo many Absolutely Crazy
    people out there it's

  2. Obamas' sons just having fun. See, its their vibrant culture we should all be inclusive of.

  3. Obama must be so proud.

  4. Hmmm... sounds like those who belong to the nost vibrant culture...

  5. Good
    Animals that eat their own.

  6. How did I know they were Africans?

  7. 229
    Because they did something low IQ

  8. I thought black lives mattered.

  9. This breaks my heart, my dad almost lost his life last week in a rip current, an 11yr old girl saved his life! These sick bastards need to be punched in the throats to say the least!


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