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Friday, July 28, 2017

Possible Armed Robbery & Shooting In Salisbury

We're told there's been an armed robbery and shooting at the 7-11 on Rt. 50 & Nanticoke Road. More to come...


  1. And a bank robbery today. Salisbury isn't the same anymore. Thanks Democrats you ruined the cities now you are ruining the small towns of America.

    1. 3:54 How exactly are bank robberies caused by Democrats? So during any republican presidency there were no bank robberies. You're an IDIOT!!! Crimes happen regardless of which party is in control.

    2. 5:59 I assume he or she is referring to the democratic run cities like Baltimore or Chicago to name a few. Ask yourself are they being ruined and then who is running them.

    3. 3:54 You are exactly right

  2. Yes, also on WMDT website. Suspect is still at large.
    Just another business day in the Bury!!!

  3. This town is becoming a cesspool. The only influx of money coming to Salisbury is being spent on building beautiful section 8 housing as the roach population grows. I was planning on staying in Salisbury another 10 years until my wife and I retire but, forget it. I'm putting my home on the market, praying I can sell it at market value despite the demise of this area and gettingbthe hell out. The 'Bury...? You can have it all to yourselves. This town is dying.

  4. Nope, this didn't happen. Crime is at over a century's low. This is fact! The trustworthy mayor said so himself. Shouldn't that statement be stronger than oak? You betcha! Is it the truth, I only work in Salisbury, so I don't have a say in it.

  5. What you say Jake Day?

  6. It was PNC Bank.....not the 7 - 11.

    1. They got the guy and he hung his self in jail

    2. That was from a 2002 robbery

  7. More Section 8 housing downtown is what we need. The madness of these kinds of decisions is unbelievable.

  8. Yep right beside Waterside Apartments and Pemberton Apartments. Both section 8 housing.

  9. Give it away and they will come.....

  10. " Anonymous said...

    3:54 How exactly are bank robberies caused by Democrats? So during any republican presidency there were no bank robberies. You're an IDIOT!!! Crimes happen regardless of which party is in control.

    July 28, 2017 at 5:59 PM"

    You need to get off the eastern shore and see how it is in the real world. YOU are an IDIOT. Now let me school you so listen up and listen up good! Most crime is centered in democrat controlled areas and that is a FACT that you would know if you weren't such an ignoramus. As stated above-Genius look at Chicago and Baltimore 2 cities where people are blowing each others brains out on a regular basis-democrat controlled. so it's time you get some morals and admit democrats cause crime. That lying you all do constantly isn't productive and won't fly around here.

  11. You need to get off the eastern shore and see how it is in the real world. YOU are an IDIOT. Now let me school you so listen up and listen up good! Damn, you have control issues.

    Most crime is centered in democrat controlled areas and that is a FACT that you would know if you weren't such an ignoramus. And you have stats and sources to back that up, but you just forgot to include here right?

    As stated above-Genius look at Chicago and Baltimore 2 cities where people are blowing each others brains out on a regular basis-democrat controlled. Can't argue with that.

    so it's time you get some morals and admit democrats cause crime. How would you know he doesn't have any morals?

    That lying you all do constantly isn't productive and won't fly around here. Someone doesn't agree with you so he must be lying? You sound like a Dem yourself. So no one lies "around here"? That's a lie right there.

    July 28, 2017 at 7:30 PM

  12. Angry much? You sound like the new psycho communications director.

  13. baltimoe,chicago and don't forget Detroit!! democrats are doing a realy great job in those cities... and look how Salisbury is doing.. wow its becoming little Baltimore... thanks..

    1. As poor as this people are in those cities and the fact hardly any of them even leave their neighborhood it's amazing how they get the guns and especially the type of guns.
      They magically appear in alleys in crates around there. That's a fact. So the real question is who has the abilities to just leave a bunch of guns in a milk crate in alley? Because it isn't the gangs. Doesn't excuse them from killing each other. Democrats or republicans it don't matter people need to leave that false paradigm alone and understand they are two wings of the same bird of profit. The Real agenda should be clear to everyone by now. Wake the hell up people.

  14. They should close that 7-11 anyways. I don't know how many times I've been almost hit by cars going in and out of there - just to play lotto.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They should close that 7-11 anyways. I don't know how many times I've been almost hit by cars going in and out of there - just to play lotto.

    July 29, 2017 at 10:14 AM

    Is it any worse than the Wawa on the "S" curve? Or any Wawa for that matter. The way they have their parking lots set up it's a wonder more people are not hit going in and going out and even just leaving your parking spot.

    People fly in there any kind of way and walk around the lot just as bad. I have taken to parking on the side or in the back of the buildings and walking to the doors. It is much safer. And poor handicapped people. Their parking spots are right in the middle of all that chaos.

    Good luck backing out and spinning your head every which way to see and avoid cars zooming in and people walking in your blind spot.


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